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Troop owned vehicles(old bus)


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Long gone are the days where a scout troop can benefit from retired school buses,and 15 passenger vans to take boy sto outings and camp.I remember fondly my old troop bus,back in the mid-80's.Insurance is now grossly out of reach,and the liability issues are enough to scare away any thoughts of even using one.I haven't even seen one in over 10 years.Does anyone have a vehicle in their troop?

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Troop 68 in Arlington Texas has a 60 passenger bus. you can see pictures at www.troop68.org The troop requires that every boy for every event ride no matter even to a simple field trip in town. That way everyone gets to wherever safely and on time. It may be old school but now after being a driver with out reimbursement for many years in cub scouts and girl scouts its nice that everyone chips in and bears the responsibility of helping pay for gas.

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Our sister Troop 173 still owns a school bus, and have for years. They actually purchased it new and converted it for extra storage racks and a full kitchen in the back. Each scout is required to bring in 15 lbs of aluminum cans each month to help pay for the maintenance / registration costs. They have several adults with CDLs who take turns driving it. It takes a lot of effort, but it seems to work for them.

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