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Zyzzyx is a monospecific genus of sand wasp, containing a brightly-colored, medium-sized species, Z. chilensis, named after the sound they make while flying. They were first studied in detail by H. Janvier (a.k.a. Claude-Joseph) in 1928, more than 100 years after they were first described.

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Yeah, picky, picky. I thought it was a cool acronym, though.


A web search seems to indicate that people pile up arbitrary numbers of z's in using words to onomatopoetically represent snoring/sleeping.


There are a bunch of unusual z words here: (the sound of an electric field, a zipper, a sudden hissing movement, an insectlike buzz, or lightning) http://www.oneletterwords.com/consonant/tome.php?letter=z&start=47

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