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Roots of the Cub Scout Program

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Ya, I'm still in the trenches with my youngest, but you know, now that my daughter is a Junior, I kinda view Briwnies the same way. It's hard to go back to herding butterflies once you've started to work with kids who are ready to start leading themselves.


But little sibs want to play, too. And it really does help indoctrinate youngsters to the culure of scouting.


Scoutmasters, don't forget, statistically over 50% of your incoming scouts were recruited as cub scouts!

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"It seems to me they met after BP married, and a couple of years after Low's husband had died. She was a young wealthy american widow looking for something meaningful to do with her life."


Juliette met B-P before he was married.


B-P married in 1912, which was when Julietter returned to the US and started the Girl Scouts.




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