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Can you change by simply being in Boy Scouts?


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Eagles...love them all...wouldn't care if we grew another Eagle -ever...IF we could keep all our boys in the program til they aged out...


That said, some boys and FAMILIES need the rank advancement part of the program to have a measuring stick...others are in the program purely to get their son's "Eagle Ticket" punched for his resume...what ever the reason, every campout and service project we can keep a boy active on gives us another small chance to mentor, teach, guide, correct, touch the boys heart (is that too much?)and THAT is what WE are about...


Every boy who gets into the program has potential to be changed...influenced, if you will, to be a better citizen and friend and neighbor. And you never know what the down stream effects may be...


We just found out that the next Troop SM will be the dad of an Eagle who just "aged out". The man has two more sons in the troop. His comment to the Committee Chair was; "ol anarchist" had made the program from Webelos through Eagle a mixture of hard work and fun for his oldest son so he wanted to keep "it" going for his younger sons and pay something back to the Troop!


And who knows what else may happen...down stream!


Y'all keep up the ggod work...


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If a scout participates and really puts something into HIS program, then YES, he can benefit from being inscouts.


If, on the onther hand, the lad is more like a flea, then he might absorb something via osmosis, but will probably not gain the most and will likely have a negative experience.



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