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When can a Scout request a SM conference?


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OGE has summarized the problem well. I do not believe it is right or fair to require full uniform (MB Sash on a campout???) for a SM conference. I'm one of those that will do them any where and any time that works with our schedule. Like Eagle90, I've done them in some very unconventional places. I'd say about 60% are before/during/after troop meetings and 40% are on activities. 95% are done by me (SM) while a few are done by ASMs. (I'm speaking only of the formal advancement SMCs).


If a scout asks me for a SMC, I look at my schedule and give him a date that works. Often it is during that same meeting, or at the next meeting or activity. I also am sometimes tired and stressed after a long day of work and don't feel like I can give the scout his fair share of my attention. I also like to verify that the scout's records are up to date before signing him off on advancement. (Often his book is signed off, but our Troopmaster records are not up-to-date).


For early ranks, I often initiate the SMC. That, or I'll get the troop guide to get the boys to ask for it. But once they are at First Class, it's purely up to the scout. I had a mom e-mail me a few weeks ago requesting a SMC for her son for Star. I told her that he needed to talk to me. She replied asking if he had everything (a case where Troopmaster was not updated), again, I replied that her son needed to talk to me. She replied that okay, he would... but would I sign off on a service project he did? I replied again that her son needed to talk to me... Finally, I got an e-mail from her son, asking these same questions. I have a suspicion that mom typed the e-mail and sent it from her son's e-mail account. Troop meeting is tonight, we'll see what happens.

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Hi All


For me this is about setting the example of serving others. A SM serves his scouts by attending to their request at the soonest convenient time. A scout serves the SM by waiting for the SMs most convenient time.


Also, this discussion is pointed toward an advancement requirement, but scouts should be in the habit of requesting a conference when they struggle and need the wisdom of SM. How many discussions have we about a scout who makes it all the way to the BOR but clearly has not demonstrated scout spirit? The main advice given is the scout should be counseled through his scouting experience, not just when he is ready to advance.


Personally I think a week is the longest any scout should have to wait in most practical cases. A conference can be done anywhere. Ive done many on the ride to and from camp, during hikes, at the scouts' home, even once at my soccer practice because the scout was leaving town. I did an Eagle Conference at 3:00 in the morning while doing an all night walk for cancer. Maybe I tried to hard to be convenient at times, but for me that was a service I enjoyed. Waiting for a month seems like a long time.




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I'm with OGE, seems a sneeky yet great way to get attendance at campouts.


Oddly, I can understand the SM and his rule here. While Fred is probably correct, it's unenforceable at it's core and the "adding requirements" umbrella argument can be used to discount it. It's worth remembering that the Scoutmaster has set this as his preference for program, which is his discression.


In my business I have to deal with government regulators and know the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) that applies to my industry. I also have to make sure my employees follow these regulations, and I find that if they don't understand the underlying reasoning for them, they are more likely to do an end arround or take short cuts. I make it a priority to "educate" them on the how's, why's and when's that forced the regulation in the first place. This has empowered them to make the right choices and not circumvent the rules .


I would say that if your Scoutmaster took the time to let all of his ASMs see his vision and understand his need for this policy, then you'd probably have a better appreciation for it IMO. Now that doesn't make it all better of course, but at least you'll understand why it's a policy. Personally I'll take time whenever a boy asks, that's part of my job as I see it. I'll also allow other ASM's to take that responsibility if they've sat in on a few with me and understand what I'm trying to accomplish with the SMC. We have CoHs about every quarter, so toward the end of the cycle, the boys get real busy getting req's signed off and scheduling SMCs and BoRs. Sometimes makes for a wild and wooly couple of weeks.



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