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Nice Try! &The things we do for love.

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At dinner tonight,Her Who Must Be Obeyed mentioned that her Mother had met Flash at a dinner.

I really like Flash. His real name is Bob Miller. Bob lived next door to HWMBO. He was her history teacher in school and when I came over as an International Camp Counselor in 1977, he was the Camp Director. Now in his eighties he still works up at camp as the Chaplin during the summer.

It seems that Bob had said how much he enjoyed OJ's Eagle Scout COH.Go as far as to say it was the best he'd ever attended.

OJ must have thought that he'd grab the iron while it was hot!

He said that he'd given it some thought and after due consideration he thought an Eagle tattoo would be really nice.

I hate tattoos!!

I said he was welcome to go ahead and get his tat. But once he did the "Bank Of Dad" would be closed!

I'll give him credit for great timing.

I noticed that he wasn't sitting very comfortably at the table.

It seems that him and his prom date had gone tanning together.

I had of course informed him of the dangers when he'd brought it up a week or so back.

He was really red and sore.

He said that he'd shaved his legs and he thought they looked "Pretty darn nice!!" I just laughed.

We had another chat about skin cancer and this time I think it might have taken.


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My dad would sometimes tell us kids we didnt have enough sense to come in out of the rain. Maybe he was right, and maybe we just wanted to experience that for ourselves. When we go hiking I always nag my son to put on a hat. He says he doesnt need one. Every few months I go to the dermatologist to have him cut out another piece of my face that has gone bad; a result of numerous attempts in my stupid days to get a tan.


Tattoos seem to be the hot item nowadays. Yet ask anyone that has had one for 20 or 30 years if they still think it was such a great idea.

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Yep, that 'bank of dad' thing is a nice incentive. However, I have noticed that the other edge of the blade tends to cut into the funds....

Fscouter, as a fellow fair-skinned person who experienced dozens of blistering burns before the age of 12, I share your concern. In terms of risk, I fear I'm toast (literally?) for this one. On the bright side, maybe I'll stroke out and be saved from the pain and suffering.;)

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