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Library Questions

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Does your troop have a Library and if it does, how do you make sure that the books are returned?

Do you ask the question at a Scoutmaster's conference if the materials have been returned?

If the Scout still has materials out, what do you do?


Do you keep him from the Scoutmaster's conference, or would that be considered adding to the requirments?


If the Scout has lost or damanaged the materials, how do you handle it?




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I am not sure why this quesiton would come up at the scoutmaster level, has the Librarian talked to the scout and then referred the matter to the Senior Patrol Leader who after not having any success came to you with the issue?


I wouldnt wait until "a scoutmaster's conference" for rank, I would hold a specific "scoutmaster conference" on the issue of the troop's property and ask the scout what points of the scout law relate to the issue at hand after the SPL told me about the issue.

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In general, I agree with OGE. The librarian should keep the list of who has what book, and who has returned it. If they have a problem with people returning matirials, they should confront it immediatly. Someone should not be denyied rank advancemnt because they are currently using a troop book.


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Been there. Scout takes a MB pamphlet from the library, tells the librarian. Librarian does not write it down. Scout forgets that he has the book, (or perhaps can't find it, and it is easier to say that he never had it). Once SM hears of it, SM tells the SPL that there is a problem with MB books not being returned. SPL talks to the scout. SM tells SPL that is something he should delegate to his assistant, since the librarian reports to the ASPL. Asks the SPL to have ASPL follow up with the librarian. SPL looks at SM like he just came from Mars. SM sits down with SPL, ASPL & librarian to re-review the librarian's duties and the reporting structure. Mid-week, SM reminds SPL to be sure to follow up with ASPL for librarian to give a report on overdue MB books; SPL says he will. At next PLC, SM asks about overdue MB books. SPL and ASPL look at SM like he just landed from Mars.


In short, Mr. Mal, our troop lost a lot of MB books, because of scouts forgetting, librarian not performing his duties, ASPL not performing his duties, etc. even with position training and frequent reminders. If the book is an isolated instance for this scout,is slightly overdue, then giving additional reminders to your SPL/ASPL/PLC would be appropriate.

If the book is grossly overdue despite repeated reminders, that is one demonstration of poor scout spirit on the part of the scout. The SM may or may not choose to not sign off on the scout spirit requirement depending on context; i.e., on whether the scout exhibits the troop's expected level of scout spirit in general, if he is reliable/unreliable in other areas, etc. The overdue book is just one factor in an overall assessment for the scout spirit requirement for rank advancement.


Meameng, appreciate the scouts that you have if you have a librarian is on top of his job sufficiently to immediately address overdue material. I did not experience that. My experience was with 13yo librarians, and none had yet developed that much maturity.



It would not be inconsistent with the scout law to ask a careless scout to replace a book that he lost or damaged. Nor would it be inappropriate for the troop to expect some loss through accidents, and replace such at troop expense. This would be a good problem to give to the PLC, and let them discuss and decide on when to charge scouts for lost or damaged materials.





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This is what I was looking for...Give the problem (it hasn't happened yet, we are just "re-starting" our troop library, but I would like to have some guidlines avaliable before we open it for bussiness) to the PLC and then have them come up with their own ideas. I believe that they will tend to follow the rules better if they come up with them.



(This message has been edited by Mr.Mal)

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The way we do it in our Troop is that each boy is responsible for signing their MB book out and back in. The librian is responsible for keeping the library in order and letting the proper adult know when additional books need to be purchased.


When a boy receives a MB, the librarian checks to see that the MB book has been returned. If it has not the scout has one week to return it or pay for it. Each boy (and parent)is told when they sign out their first book that if they do not return a book, they are responsible for the cost to replace it. So far this has worked most of the time.

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Venividi - Our troop is experiencing the exact same problem, on several fronts. We just did a MB Book inventory for Summer Camp and there are 30-40 books missing. Top it off, the current Librarian never got the list of "who had what" from the old Librarian. The old librarian has a blank look on his face when asked about it.

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