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New Troop Leader Training


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Just to pipe in here...


As a method; for the last five years our troop has taken the troop youth leadership corp and a few other scouts (Identified by the SM as potential leaders/interested scouts) for a weekend retreat. TOTALLY paid for by the troop.


The troop has secured a campsite (usually cabins) and the scouts are treated to a weekend of leadership training with the adult leaders providing outrageously good camp meals, between "module" snacks and lots of "bug juice" to drink.


They are "led" into lots of team building exercises and games...(after all they are the troop leadership team) and fed as much JLT and other leadership ideas as we can cram into a Friday evening/Saturday/Sunday. This "event"(for them) is a "low drag" campout where they feel (we hope) as "important" as we can make them feel...the adults 'serve' the boys (interesting idea for many adults?)


As much as possible we try to instill the idea that the success of the troop is in their hands and they have the duty to do their best to take the information and techniques given to them back and let "it" work for the troop. PLC then tries to polish the techniques and reinforce the ideas.


We use what is "given" by BSA and add whatever info we can find that helps us get "the job done"...many boys are repeats and we need to add things each year to help them over the "been there, done that, problem". A few years ago we even brought in a "professional employee trainer" from the restaurant industry (want fries with that) and the boys loved the "service" module he added that year...he specialized in motivating teens to work hard... and it seemed to charge up that years leaders.One year we brought in a trainer whoadded a conflict resolution module...too "adult"... "too boring" said the scouts.... so we 'returned' to the BSA material. Keep your "EYES" OPEN.


Sometimes WE have to take the ball and run with it even if BSA stumbles...gripe all you want but pick up the pieces and get back to work! (

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invite the ASMs into the group and give everyone a copy of the PL Handbook. Ask everyone to thumb through it for just a couple minutes, and then ask them one thing they see in the book that they dont see in the troop. Ask them why and see where that goes. I find many such discussions lead to a direction your JLT needs to go for your program and that point in time.


I love this idea! I've been looking at doing some leadership training our next campout. I think I've just found what I'm looking for.

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Great minds think alike! I just came back from lunch at the Scout Shop and bought 10 copies of the PL Handbook and 2 copies of the SPL Handbook! Since the new TLT was too thinly populated, I was going spend an extra hour to dive into the PL Handbook with the guys. Now that I saw your suggestion ... I know that I am going down the right path.






... does anyone have Chapter 3,4,5,6,8, or 9 of the Scoutmaster Handbook scanned? If you do, do you mind emailing it to me? It is easier to project it on the screen than zerox all those pages. Thanks in advance.(This message has been edited by OneHour)

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