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Happy Anniversary, Dear

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6 year last Sept. Gosh I feel like a newlywed here. Happy Anniversary to all of you.


It's me that had to drag my husband into scouting. Neither of us really planned on being leaders but I got involved with my son's pack and we really needed another den leader. I told my husband that it was either going to be him or me, and I already had too much on my plate. He grudgingly accepted the job and guess what, he's even better at it than I am! And he even got a little teary eyed at the Cross Over for "our" webelos. How could I not love that about him?


Scouting has given my son and husband an opportunity to bond with each other. It has given my husband and me good excuses to slow down our busy lives and have deep conversations about values, spirituality, and our perspectives on parenting. It has given all three of us a chance to try things and go places together that we might never have thought of otherwise. It has even given me a greater appreciation for my son's (usually) good manners! Nothing like a little comparison to help you see how good you actually have it.


So yeah, I guess it has been a good influence on our marriage as well as our family life.


Now I'd better get out of here because if I don't get to the grocery store and go home he won't be able to cook my dinner!



A good old bobwhite too!

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23 years next month.

We met at Camp Conestoga, in the summer of 1977, when I was working as the International Camp Counselor.

If there had been such a thing as frequent flyer miles back then I would have racked up a few, but this was the time of Laker Airways, and Peoples Express.

I never had a problem flying "Stand by" until I was supposed to be here for our engagement party. Which I didn't make. Still the cake wasn't wasted the DE who still serves our Council and is a very dear and close friend used it -He got engaged at what was to be our party -Heck it was the same crowd.

We lived in London for a couple of years, I was still with the 17th Fulham (Pioneers). I wasn't used to having anything get in the way of Scouting and she was really nice about it.

When we moved over here, I wasn't very active. At the request of a couple of friends I sat on a couple of committees that never seemed to do much, but slowly I seemed to be doing more and more.

At times I now know I was doing way too much and she started to resend it. One month she kept track of how many days I was out Scouting, the count was in the high 20's.

I used to get very defensive and not take any notice of the moans and groans.

It wasn't until last year when she found that she had cancer that I seen how unfair and how unreasonable I had been. I thank the Good Lord that things seem to be going OK. But I could kick myself for waiting till it seemed that she might be taken from me to see how important she is to me.

We really do compliment each other, we laugh more than any other couple I know. We own up to our weaknesses. She tells me that I wouldn't be able to find my socks and underwear without her. I tell her that if she didn't keep hiding them in the silverware drawer in the dining room I might be able to.


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10 years in May, starting 3rd year as a leader. I must say that my husband is just now leaving the storming area and moving into the norming. He travels alot and is not home to participate. That is why scouting is important for our boys. He is just now coming around since most of the training is finished. He doesn't like it if when he comes home after a week or two on the road and we are off scouting. Now that he has accepted it I think he will learn to like it.

Don't take it the wrong way, he supports me and has taken time off from work for me to attend Day Camp School and Woodbage, and University of Scouting is coming up. He always has great suggestions for activities but doesn't like to "talk scouting" that much. Hoping to get him involved this year.


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First, congrats SemperParatus on 20 years of marriage!


My wife and I are a bit over half way through our 15th year of marriage. Sometimes it's been good, sometimes bad but I really do adore her.


I'm a Webelos den leader and on Cub Roundtable staff. I try to keep a balance with things but so far this year the den's been doing a lot of stuff. We had five activities in Sept. and six in both Oct. and Nov., then last Sat. we spent the day with a troop on a camping trip. We thought it would be a bit too cold for the Webelos so we just spent the day instead of staying overnight. It has been too much, my son's been complaining. It's time to take it down a notch or too for the remainder of the den's existence (just over two months).


I wouldn't mind doing more for scouts, but I do enough now that I think it's best not too. I'm sure my wife would be pleased if I did less and would not be if I did more. Last night I was browsing this forum and she asked what I was doing. I said it was scout stuff and she replied that I'm too into scouts and ought to get another hobby. Oh well...



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Hmmm, well, DH was Tiger Cub leader, then CC. I was not into Scouts. Son 1 crossed over, about a year later I thought, "hmmm, he seems to be having fun." Asked if he'd mind if I tagged along on a couple of campouts. Bought the shirt (then the rest) and that was it. My shirt is starting to look like I must have become a real Scouter somewhere along the way! Son 2 is crossing over and the three of us will be gone for a week this summer together. I'll be home overnight, having done NYLT the prior week.


I know it's been good for me as a parent. Good for our relationship as we approach 25 years in April? The jury is still out on that. He's at least resigned if not entirely supportive. DH is retiring as CC when Son 2 crosses over and does not intend to cross over with him. Says he'll get some golf in while the three of us are away...Son 1 is losing interest though so once he makes Eagle maybe DH will have a golfing buddy.


Vicki (and a good ol' Bear too)

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Semper my friend, it looks like you got married 364 days ahead of us. We had our 19th the day before your 20th. Did you do anything big this year? I'm thinking about surprising mine with a cruise. (Gee, I hope she doesn't read these). :-)


My wife has never been a registered scouter, but she's my number one supporter. My son and my dad are a close second. She does help running some things and has been a merit badge counselor. Most importantly, she's there when I need her. When I'm down she boosts me up. When I'm confused, she helps me straighten things out. When I'm at my wits end, she finds me some more wit.


Scouting can put a strain on the relationship at times. The time requirement alone takes its toll. I don't think I'd be able to justify it if my son were not involved and loving it.


All my best to you and your lovely bride.

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EIKY'mon, my cyber scouting bro, a belated Happy Anniversary to you and yours as well. A cruise sounds delightful...mind if I join you next year? Unfortunately, my wife and my schedules conspired against us for an extended anniversary trip this year. We ended up doing a weekend get-a-way at the Hershey Hotel (very swank and much too expensive) coupled with some nice romantic dinners and a couple of shows.

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When I was a 17 year old Explorer Scout, I went to a "Winterfest Weekend" with my post. There, I met a boy from another Explorer post about 30 minutes or so away from where I lived. We will celebrate 20 years of marraige the end of this month!


DH was in the military until just last year, so I have been the more involved Scouter over the past 6 years. I started as a Tiger Parent and moved to Den Leader when my first son was a Wolf. Have been a den/Webelos Leader ever since, currently serving as my youngest son's Webelos Leader and also my older son's Troop Committee chair. DH is just starting to get involved. I "volunteered" him as the Committee Chair for the pack and he's been doing a good job with that, but really likes the Boy Scout side of things better.


I think the jury is out on whether it has brought us closer. Maybe now that he is out of the Navy, it may.




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