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Repeating the same speech -Again &again

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Her Who Must Be Obeyed works in the ER of our small town hospital. The past month has been really hard. Six young people have died in car accidents. One family lost two sons and the third is in a coma, he has lost an arm, will never walk and the Doctors are unsure how much brain damage he has.The three brothers were in the car, the oldest was delivering pizza.

Another Lad was returning from a Christian Rock concert and was drag racing, when he crashed and was ejected from the car.

Another Lad was passing on a double yellow line, on the side of a mountain and crashed into a 18 wheel truck. Another was going to fast and lost control of his motorcycle.

The oldest of these was only 18 years old.

Of course my heart goes out to the parents and loved ones of these kids and I pray for them and their families.

None of the Lads in the cars were wearing seat belts, in most cases it seems that speed was a factor.

We deal with kids a lot, please set a good example and wear your seat belt.

I know that OJ is sick of me telling him not to speed and to drive with care, but I will keep repeating the same speech, not just to him but to each and every kid who drives.

Please join me, I know it's boring, I know that they really don't want to hear it. But six young Lads from a small town of 4,700 is almost an epidemic.


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In one of those remaining hours in the week, I'm active in the local PTA. The Emergency Nurses Association of Missouri has an innovative campaign to get young drivers and their passengers to belt up.


We just did the initial survey of our high school for this year. 67% of all drivers/passengers were belted.


I will get the info and get it to you by PM as well as post it here for the good of the order.



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I just PM'd Eamonn, and as promised, here is information.


Here in Missouri, the Emergency Nurses Association has started a seat belt campaign in the high schools, called "battle of the belt."

While the website is incomplete, here are the links:




Short version is a surprise survey of the school one morning as students, parents and faculty arrive, then education over several months, then a follow-on survey.


The Association conducts fundraisers, and they distribute the funds to high schools to support safe and healthy after-prom activities! The "Battle of the Belt" places it in a school-on-school competition, with highest percentage of use, most improved percentage, and a couple of other categories.


The contact person is Ms. Lori Davis, RN. While I won't post her contact data here, you can drill into the Kansas City chapter to find it. She's currently (10/2005) chapter president. She is the "trauma coordinator" of the Emergency Department at North Kansas City Hospital.


I hope this helps all.




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