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A Challenge of time

Lynda J

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I almost never do a double post. But felt this needed to have its own title.

Some have said we need to wait on BSA and GSUSA to make a decisison. But we don't. We all are familiar with what happens when we "wait" for the higher ups to get something going. This we need to start on our own. That is the fastest way.



I have another challenge.

Kevin, my 12 year old Star Scout, was sitting and watching the news as he worked on one of his merit badge worksheets the other night when he suddenly turned to me and ask "what is going to happen to all the Boy Scouts there? How will they meet, how will they get their badges?" I didn't really have that answer. So at our Round Table I suggested


Go to your childs school and talk to the principal or admissions clerk. If your school is getting kids from shelters please see if any of them are displaced scouts. And then invite them to join your troop. Be it Girl Scout, Boy Scouts or Cubs. These kids have lost everything, lets give them back something they know. Just a little bit of normality.

I don't know any of us that can't afford the cost of a new Hand Book. I know I can.


I know that all the money and supplies are wonderful, but we also need to remember that these people also need our time. They need a hug, a handshake, someone to call them "friend" and most of all they need to be made to feel that they are part of our communities. For however long they are going to be with us. A week, a month, or for every. They need to be made to feel part of us.


I have been where they are. In l961 my home town was almost wiped out with a 100 year flood. My parents nd I were in a shelter for 2 weeks, my grandmother was hospitalized. We got back into our home but my grandmother lost everything she had owned for 75 years. Believe me there is no more of a lost feeling than knowing that you have NOTHING. Not even a clean pair of underwear. And for at least a while no way of standing on your own two feet. These kids are scared about their futures, lets let them know that they are SCOUTS, no matter where they are staying.





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Outstanding idea. All of these displaced young folk need a sense of belonging as quickly as possible.


Think about the difference in the two as well - they're being "PUT" back in school -- versus being "ASKED" back to Scouting.....could be a much needed shot of self-esteem, too....

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That is an outstanding idea, Linda!


I'm also thinking that these Scouts will eventually go home, and they've most likely lost everything. Maybe local units could spend a little money and send some supplies to a local distribution point down there. A couple of hundred bucks could get them 10 new Handbooks, and maybe some additional supplies...a couple of shirts, maybe? or something.



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One of my biggest concerns is with boys working on Eagle. They must earn Eagle by their 18th birthday and with approval that can be extended 6 months. These boys have lost everything, including the paper work on theie Eagle Projects.

There has to be a way of helping especially these boys. One thing that scares me is that a boy 3-6 months away from Eagle will get discouraged and feel that with everything else that is happening he has no chance of completing his Eagle and will give up. We desperately need to reach these boys and let them know there are helping hands out there to grab onto.

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The boys who are working on Eagle that are close to their 18th birthday can get an extension for something like that. At a recent training session on the Eagle process, our district advancement chairman stated that extensions for "exceptional" situations could be granted. He said back several years ago when we had a huge flood here and nearly all the counties in our council were flooded, he was able to get extensions for all the boys working on Eagle that needed it. Our council office wasn't flooded but many people were including our advancement chair. I am sure that where-ever these boys are, if they let someone know, a concerned Scouter will help thim with this process.


By the way, our troop and pack are inviting evacuees to join/transfer to our troop and pack. We will probably be visiting the shelters over the weekend.

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I talked to our DE Friday and he said he is hearing from National that boys working on Eagle from the storm area will be given a years extension. But one problem I see it getting that informaiton to those boys so they don't lost hope.

If you are in an area that has shelters please visit them if for no other reason than to find out if there are scouts there. Some may not want to try to join local troops but I think we need to make every effort to give them that chance.

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