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10 essentials plus....BE PREPARED

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Not Much.

I am going to Philmont this summer, I am planning on taking


1 pair of zip off pants

2 short sleeve shirts (one to sleep in)

1 pair of thermal long johns

1 rain suit

2 pair of sock liners

2 pair of wool socks

2 pair of underwear

1 compass

1 roll of TP

1 small bottle of aspirin


dental floss

sierra cup


3/4 length air mattress

sleeping bag

8 tent stakes

1 fleece jacket

Pair of sandals

a few hurricane matches

12 of the little tea bags of coffee.

mole skin


My goal is to be under 40 pounds after crew gear.


I have found that given a chance I overpack along with a lot of other people. The above list is for a 12 day hike.

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Only ONE roll of TP for 12 days? I'm impressed!


Seriously, our troop just did a shoebox campout (Thanks, Trevorum, for finding out about it and presenting it to the PLC!)Everything for a short weekend (Sat. night only) fit into a shoebox, including food. There were some interesting things that came out of those boxes that scouts/adults thought essential for survival. My son and I both had air mattresses. A few others had backpacking stoves, while others had hammocks. I think everybody had shelter of some sort (trash bags to tarps to painter's dropcloths).


Other than uniform items, I would think that at a minimum, a scout would need a sleeping bag, personal first aid kit (with a whistle in it), appropriate shoes for the activities you will do, compass, watch, knife (after totin' chip), and water bottle. A scout can always share a tent with somebody else until he gets his own, so that would be lower on the list. Sunblock is a great thing to have, as is insect repellant, and for longer campouts, Gold Bond powder.



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No Dug..not gonna narrow it.. the question is what do boys need to be prepared.


The answer is that it depends... and that is what we teach...


Part of the discussion is what do our boys need... Philmont, weekend campout, summer camp, snow caves,,........LIFE.



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Every time I step out of the house, I am carrying a leatherman, minimag, pencil, pen, cell phone, and wallet. I keep a fairly complete 1st aid kit in my car long with a hot spark and compass. I have not run into too many situations in my everyday life that those items did not prepare me for.


In almost any situation where it would be legal, I expect any boy with a totin' chip to have a pocket knife of some sort. Anything else really depends on the situation.

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1. A good head on their shoulders (this will make sure they pack what they need)

2. Character ( to make good decisions)

3. Personality (to keep it interesting)

4. Good Morals (to make sure the good decisions are the right decisions)

5. A good sense of humor (for when all else fails)

6. Optimisim (so the glass is always half full and weekends are always sunny -- only works when #5. is a back up)

7. A Plan B (for when #5. wears off)

8. A Home to come to (when ever, where ever, no questions asked)

9. Support (someone who knows they can do anything)

10. Independence (Parents who know when to let go)


These would be the 10 essentials that I feel would lead to being prepared. And remember, Lemons can make so much more than Lemonade.


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That is a good answer. Lovin' it!

SR540Beaver- that is the ulitmate in truths... clean underwear is essential in all cases.


This, folks is what I am talking about. We get enough good stuff like this we should write our our version of "Chicken Soup"...

Chicken Soup for the Scouter..


Although Kristi- I noticed you left off one extremely important one... so make 10 +1.. Common sense. Common sense trumps in almost every case.





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Dan - What are the tent stakes for? Are you planning to sleep in your rain suit if it rains at night? Are you bringing a map? What are you carrying water in - your sierra cup? Do you need gear to sanitize water?


I might encourage you to consider carrying an Adventure Medical Kits Pocket Survival Pak. It contains many of the items I'm listing below in a convenient 3.9 oz package.


My list would include:

Lightweight tent or tarp (if overnight trip)

First aid kit (could be very small & simple)

Water bottle(s) (32 oz wide-mouth Nalgene)

Butane lighter (instead of matches - many more lights)

Spark-Lite fire starter w/ Fire-tabs (as backup to matchs or lighter)

Broad-brimmed hat

Sunscreen in small bottle

Whistle (Windstorm or Fox 40 on same lanyard as the compass)

Signal mirror (Star Flash)

55 gallon trash bag (as emergency shelter)

Clear plastic "transpiration" bag (for collecting water from plant branches)

36" of small plastic aquarium-type tube (for collecting water from crevises

Backpacking sponge (for collectign water from dew)

A few (4) long zip ties (lots of uses)

At least 25 feet of cord (paracord or polycord)

Small (10') role of orange or pink surveying tape


One thing to consider is to separate out what will be carried with you ALL the time - as a survival kit. If you haven't visited http://www.equipped.com , I suggest you take a look.




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Also, if you haven't read Cody Lundin's book "98.6 Degrees: The Art of Keeping Your Ass Alive", I highly recommend it. Its a relatively short fun read and has lots of practical information.

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I knew I was missing something!

I will be carrying 3 nalgen bottles.

I will be wearing a hat.

I will also have a emergency blanket.

I will not carry a lighter, but I bet every scout will have one, so I do not need one. The hurricane matches are for an emergency. Much better than a lighter.

I follow the scouts, they have the maps.

I will not be carrying a knife, every scout will have one!

If you use Philmont tents, you need to bring your own tent stakes. Plus stakes for the rain fly.


This list is crew gear will be split up among the crew

First aid kit



At least 25 feet of cord (paracord or polycord)

Water filters, 3


2 Stoves

cook Pot


2 little plastic shovels




Almost everything else you listed I think is over board for Philmont, except the whistle, which I will add to my list.


What else did I miss?

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well dan, i would also recommend (but not essential) a small notebook and pen, for a journal and any other use including emergency. Its neat to sit down years later and read your philmont journal. Also, im bringing a very small roll of ducttape, the last 10 feet of a roll, in case a quick fix is needed. I would also swtich your 3/4 sleeping pad with a Crazy Creek chair, so that you still get the pad under you at night but you also have a great chair to lounge around the campsite in. Lastly, instead of the pants take some rainpants or waterproof pants, that way yu have a 2-in-1. When it rains yur dry and when its cool your warm.

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