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I do not see myself as being anything more than the average fellow in Scouting. People tend to remember me because I talk funny and because of the mop of white hair. I do read a lot and have a good memory. Scouting is my hobby, I really enjoy the people, what we do and I hope that at the end of the day we are doing some good.

While I never pretend to have all the answers, people in the District do look to me at times for advise and answers, because I read a lot and have a good memory I try and provide the answers and because of BSA training I can ask the right questions so that I can go very light on the advise.

Maybe I live in a fools paradise, but so far in our area the "G" (God, Gay, and Girls) questions are not on the agenda. In fact if anything the majority of people when asked are very pro BSA. The community where I live look at Scouts and Scouting as being something that is good and wholesome.

I wear the uniform because it is the uniform. I wore the uniform when I was a Lad, because it was the uniform and we all wore it. Not wearing it wasn't an option.

While there are areas in the BSA that need attention, there will always be areas that need attention. I am concerned about the decline in Cub Scout numbers. However I believe that once the unit leaders are given the tools to "Go get'em" Along with the support from Councils, Districts, we will turn this around.

I have for some time been worried that the goals that are in place are becoming bigger than the program and are in fact hurting us. I'm hoping that others who have more influence in such things share my concerns and will in time correct this.

I have been active in Scouting programs in two countries and have relatives that are active in three other countries, I also have worked with Scouting units from other countries. One thing that I see is that we all are trying to do much the same thing and as far as the quality of the program goes, it is very much dependent on the adults who lead the unit. I have seen packs and troops led by excellent leaders who understand this game and give it true purpose and I have seen leaders who deliver what I see as their own take on what they think Scouting should be. This of course begs the question is some sort of a program better than no program? In the District I serve we have 42 units of this 42 I would say that only about 10 or 12 are by the book units. Of the Troops most are led by Wood Badge trained leaders who have adapted the program to suit how they see or think the program ought to be. These leaders know what they are doing is not the way things ought to be run and continue doing what they want anyway.Sure we could yell "Off with their heads", or "Fire the lot of them!!". But we know that isn't going to happen. In fact if we were to lose these leaders we would lose the Scouts and there would go the Council. Sure there are people like me who try and nudge, shame, preach, pester and beg these leaders to get back on the right track. At the end of the day we come back to the old horse to water theory.

For now I'm OK with nudging,preaching, pestering and begging in time I might go back to being part of a unit and trying to set an example and showing that it can really work. However I think I have lost some of my faith and now believe that the guys who don't want to do it never will do it. I see the glass as being half full and the stopped clock as being right twice a day. If this is complacency, then I'm guilty of it.

Summer is coming and we will have approx 1,500 Boy Scouts at our Council Summer Camp, about 1,200 Cub Scouts will attend Day Camp. Kids will march in parades, parents will attend Scout picnics and about 50,000 lucky Lads will attend the National Jamboree. A lot of the stuff I have worked on and spent time on will bear fruit. Could it be better? Sure it could, but it could be a darn sight worse.


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said well...and take heart! half filled? half empty?...I am quite sure it really doesn't matter...


I am sure as the 'suns commin' up tamarra' that boys exposed to even a partial Scouting program are getting 'more' than boys having no program at all.


Have you ever been sipping a cup of...tea(?) and all of a sudden WHAM...pieces fall into place and you have one of those 'thunder clap' revelations? ...it could be something as simple and disturbing as...'gosh...ya know I think ol' Bob White was right on that one!' Or as grand as just mommentarily seeing God's plan in action...just one small clear glimpse!


Our work, while we are blessed with the breath of life is to try...as best we can...thats all. Lend a hand when you can, a word of support here, a kind word there...and believe it or not, somewhere along the way we do make a difference.


Inch by inch, I think I can, I will, I can, I DID!


And Eamonn, As I have said in several posts...we here in these forums (and by your posts I know that you in your district (council?) position) sometimes judge too harshly and 'tag' folks as twits and renegades with only a little 'evidence' (all one sided, too).


We should always consider that the less than by the book scouter may not have committee support, he or she may have been begging for help (unsuccessfully) for so long from parents (who believe BSA is a baby sitting service), CCs, COs, and even Districts (?), he/that they just found something that seems to work for their unit...and got comfortable...and it 'seems' to be working...so what the hey!


Then some 'by the booker', say a newbie parent or a district commissioner or an newly joined experienced Scouter comes along and wants to shake things up...both sides have a stake (yes?). The "rogue" has been offering "scouting" to boys in the community for 26 years...how long will the newbie stick around? or the transfered scouter for that matter?

In our unit we have a "do it rule"...if you have a suggestion or a change you want to see executed...be prepared to volunteer to implement it; 'cause you just volunteered...

The number of times I have seen a parent (or three) say, "I/We think you ought to try to do_(fill in the blank)_" and the SM says "GREAT IDEA, why don't you take that ball and run with it!'and the "Great Idea Person" heads for the hills is far greater than the "I/WE are here for the duration, how can we help!?!" and then actually 'stick' for six or seven years.


Just know you are fighting the good fight and as you remarked upon a month or so back after spending some good time with a bunch of young people...this is what we are in this 'thing' called Scouting for...the KIDS...a little time with the 'troop' renewed you...maybe you need to get back to the unit level for a while to 'juice up the batteries'...In any case, Thank you for what you do!


rogue, bomb throwing,


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