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Sea Base Prep Advice

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We are going to Sea Base this coming August to do Coral Reef Sailing. What do most troops do to ensure both scouts and leaders are prepared physically ?

Right now we are looking into snorkeling lessons and group swims but didn’t know if anything else was needed at this point.

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I hope you and your troop have a great time.

1.  SA Swimmers tests are mandatory.  Ensure everyone is a swimmer.

2.  SA Height / Weight standards.

3.  Check with your Troop if anyone gets sea sick or motion sickness.  If they do they should consult with their Doctor about participating.

4.  I arranged for Snorkeling lessons and SA snorkeling beforehand, we rented a high school pool and had a local scuba shop do the training.  It helped a lot because they show how you clear snorkels, do dives, clear water in your masks, etc.  BSA has a snorkeling badge we had the shop follow.

5.  Equipment shake-down.  You have to bring your own snorkel and mask, try them out beforehand.  Also the flipper fin socks are nice to prevent blisters.

6.  Wilderness First Aid, CPR and AED are mandatory (adult).  This course is a 16 hour course and not offered all over.  They will precheck certification when you get down there.

7.  Review your first aid kit.  Know what’s in there.  Prep for being in the sun and water - aloe, sunscreen, swimmers ear, motion sickness, etc 

8.  Review all medical forms.  All sections are needed including Part C with the high adventure advisory section reviewed and signed by a Doctor.

Have fun!




Edited by Eagle_Chris
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@Scoutmom3X scouts in my troop are going coral reef sailing this August as well. (I decided to sit this trip out so other adults could have a hand in emptying their pockets so that they could sit back and watch boys master a real boat.

The key thing that I pointed out to them is if they get mad at everyone, the furthest away hat they can go is 44’. I strongly encouraged team activities, so that everyone knows how to put up with each other's quirks.

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