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Official Rebranding Feb 8

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I can see that membership would go up. There are people who are mental and just being named BSA was keeping them away. Personally I would like to see the breakdown by council, and from there I would like to see some sort of mission statement/vision statement on how to deal with the underperforming councils. 

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It is too early to tell, but in our council, there is indication that we are slowly seeing the trench workers taking charge.  Out pro, is not one really, though a nice person with I think good intentions.  But, putting things out publicly and following up are very slow or not happening.  Our council website is an embarrassment in that it has mostly dead links and so does little to help if someone goes to it.  The notice of the final sale of our now lost camp has still not been noted, and so some of those dead links relate to it.  Somehow, we are continuing, and historically it is again on the backs of the volunteers, though reality is that community support is still there if Council pays attention and makes the effort.  But just begging for money is not what is needed.  JMHO of course,

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