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Excited about Woodbadge!

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Signed up for Woodbadge together with two other scouter friends from our pack. The course director is a commissioner who was formerly den leader and current pack parent, so I expect this to deepen existing friendships as well as build new ones. Can't wait to go. Just need to get that part C done and get a new tetanus shot...

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Hoot, hoot, hoot....

Get your tent set up in your back yard.  Make sure the mice haven't got to it, it has all the ropes, stakes, RAINFLY  (we had one new Scouter show up with a "new" tent he just bought at a yard sale,  "oh, is that why it has all that nice ventilating screening on top!" ), it is still RAINPROOF, and you remember how to set it up.  New boots, broken in?  Gear check list checked?  Questions answered?  Uni complete?  Comfy (!) camp chair ready?  Pencils sharpened?  Smile and singing voice ready?

See you on the trail ! 

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Thanks for the reminder about stakes - I'll need the Texas summer tent the weekend before for a pack campout, so the gear and list check will be quite complete (I'll do the campout laundry and immediately re-pack it all, I figure), but we ended up leaving a lot of stakes behind last time we used it because I let the cub scouts use it as a hangout tent to get them some bonus practice with setting up and taking down a tent without adult help. They were less diligent in remembering the stakes it turned out! I need to replace them or I'll be sorry if there's any wind.

Boots are broken in already. Camp chair is ready. Practicing scales and reminiscing over old scout songs now...

See you on the trail!

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