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Scouts First Anonymous Reporting

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6 hours ago, jcousino said:

Again i ask how does this affect states were scouter are legal required reporter?

Does BSA report any issue dealing with child  abuse to local law enforcement or are the in fact hidden possible child  abuse ?( to maybe protect their name again. 

i question BSA  ability  to filter where they  have an involved risk? 

Fr. john Cousino





I don't think it will change adult reporting in states where mandated but ideally it should make things better for youth. It sounds like they will have a way to report incidents anonymously and directly to a third party. Right now the only place the kids have to report anonymously or outside their units is in social media, and that's not good or really helpful, especially in a crisis situation. Real Response is a reputable concern that serves some high profile organizations so it's hard to imagine they would allow BSA/SA to subvert investigations or wouldn't ensure follow up, resolution, and reporting.  

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14 hours ago, yknot said:

... Real Response is a reputable concern that serves some high profile organizations so it's hard to imagine they would allow BSA/SA to subvert investigations or wouldn't ensure follow up, resolution, and reporting.  

As I understand, RealResponse (RR) is an encrypted communications conduit between anonymous reporters and a customer (USA Fencing, USA Gymnastics, NFL, colleges,...,BSA/SA).  There appears to be custom data tools on the customer end - data logging (time line), data organization/analysis, dispatch, automated responses/response bot ("Could you provide more information?"), etc. I doubt RealResponse would have access to customer data. I question RR claim that this is "real-time" as it is up to customer whether they staff 24x7.  It is not a Hot-Line?

I have read positive reviews by customers but I have not found any reviews on the effectiveness from anonymous student/athlete/employee reporters or mention of any tracking tools on their end. What is the reporter's experience? I found this video and it appears a reporter would just have a text message history (1:10/1:54)

Anyway if RR proves effective in "communicating safety concerns", perhaps it can be expanded to communicate other concerns with National.:unsure:


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7 hours ago, RememberSchiff said:

As I understand, RealResponse (RR) is an encrypted communications conduit between anonymous reporters and a customer (USA Fencing, USA Gymnastics, NFL, colleges,...,BSA/SA).  There appears to be custom data tools on the customer end - data logging (time line), data organization/analysis, dispatch, automated responses/response bot ("Could you provide more information?"), etc. I doubt RealResponse would have access to customer data. I question RR claim that this is "real-time" as it is up to customer whether they staff 24x7.  It is not a Hot-Line?

I have read positive reviews by customers but I have not found any reviews on the effectiveness from anonymous student/athlete/employee reporters or mention of any tracking tools on their end. What is the reporter's experience? I found this video and it appears a reporter would just have a text message history (1:10/1:54)

Anyway if RR proves effective in "communicating safety concerns", perhaps it can be expanded to communicate other concerns with National.:unsure:


I don't specifically know RealReponse but I know someone who developed a system like it and has been utilized in academic settings. If it's similar certain responses will trigger automatic third party involvement, usually direct to law enforcement and an assigned individual in the organization.  RealResponse doesn't see it but someone in law enforcement does.  It can be customized to some degree but the companies that offer these resources do not want people posting online that they reported an incident using something like RealResponse and nothing happened. 

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I have noted recently that there seem, or so it seems to me anyway, a number of groups coming out with YP type things along similar lines as Scouts America.  And, if my memory serves, even before the bankruptcy and so on, BSA (then) was recognized as a leader in YP developments.  It is sad that it took all this mess to make the larger society sit up and take notice.  Still a huge problem in our society though from what I read.  Slow progress.  Reality of course shows that ever step forward will be met with new ways around the barriers.  Constant attention to following the YP rules is our only recourse.  And that goes for society at large as well.  

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Some digging on RealResponse website regarding Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and some random, pre-coffee thoughts,

Source  https://www.realresponse.com/terms-of-use/


To access or use RealResponse, you must be 14 years or older and have the requisite power and authority to enter into these Terms. You may not access or use RealResponse if you are a competitor of ours or if we have previously banned you from RealResponse or closed your account. For Visitors or Members that are schools, colleges, academic institutions, or athletic teams or organizations (“Institutional Users”), RealResponse is for your use in accordance with your written license agreement with us.  


In order to become a Member, we require you to register an account (“Account”) by setting up a Member name and password. Other registration requirements (such as the requirement to submit information including, but not limited to: location, age, alma mater, favorite collegiate athletic teams) may also apply. You are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password. You agree not to use the account or password of another Member at any time....


Source: https://www.realresponse.com/privacy-policy/


Anyone under 14 years of age is expressly prohibited from using RealResponse or providing any personal information. If you become aware that anyone under 14 years of age has provided us with personal information without parental consent, please contact us at info@RealResponse.com. If we become aware that a minor under 14 has provided us with personal information without parental consent, we will remove such information and terminate the account.


Will RealResponse integrate into the existing 1-844-Scouts1 hot inline? The BSA/SA response via RealResponse is the same as 1-844-Scouts hotline, RealResponse adds anonymity?

So far, I have not found middle/high school or other youth organizations (under 18) which are using RealResponse.

Stating the obvious, a detailed video demo (not a 45sec marketing blip) explaining creating account, sending text, response, and resolution would be helpful.

A lot of questions.

Another $0.02


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2 hours ago, RememberSchiff said:

Some digging on RealResponse website regarding Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and some random, pre-coffee thoughts,

Source  https://www.realresponse.com/terms-of-use/


To access or use RealResponse, you must be 14 years or older and have the requisite power and authority to enter into these Terms. You may not access or use RealResponse if you are a competitor of ours or if we have previously banned you from RealResponse or closed your account. For Visitors or Members that are schools, colleges, academic institutions, or athletic teams or organizations (“Institutional Users”), RealResponse is for your use in accordance with your written license agreement with us.  


In order to become a Member, we require you to register an account (“Account”) by setting up a Member name and password. Other registration requirements (such as the requirement to submit information including, but not limited to: location, age, alma mater, favorite collegiate athletic teams) may also apply. You are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password. You agree not to use the account or password of another Member at any time....


Source: https://www.realresponse.com/privacy-policy/


Anyone under 14 years of age is expressly prohibited from using RealResponse or providing any personal information. If you become aware that anyone under 14 years of age has provided us with personal information without parental consent, please contact us at info@RealResponse.com. If we become aware that a minor under 14 has provided us with personal information without parental consent, we will remove such information and terminate the account.


Will RealResponse integrate into the existing 1-844-Scouts1 hot inline? The BSA/SA response via RealResponse is the same as 1-844-Scouts hotline, RealResponse adds anonymity?

So far, I have not found middle/high school or other youth organizations (under 18) which are using RealResponse.

Stating the obvious, a detailed video demo (not a 45sec marketing blip) explaining creating account, sending text, response, and resolution would be helpful.

A lot of questions.

Another $0.02


That is limiting if it is only for 14 and up. The system I'm most familiar with is used from middle school ages on up. 

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Recently, National hosted a Safeguarding Youth Symposium in Las Vegas.

Both David Chadwick, CEO and Founder of RealResponse and Ju'Riese Coln CEO of U.S. Center for SafeSport spoke among others (see above link).

Recall @mrjohns2 informed us of SafeSport in the wandering topic BSA Lifeguard Program To Be Discontinued.

I do not know if there are online recordings or transcripts of their presentations.

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Related, but to be  facilitated by a local council...

Mid-Iowa Council Youth Safety Summit Nov 9, 2024 in Des Moines, IA 

Glen Pounder will lead panel discussion which includes Mary Wangerin from National's Special Needs Committee.

Mary Wangerin co-chaired the Northern Star Special Needs and Disabilities Committee and has been very involved in neuro-diversity training for the BSA. She co-authored with Roger Tate the BSA Inclusion Toolbox for Special Needs and Disabilities. She has  been a production editor of Abilities Digest and website  AbleScouts.org


Unknown if this Youth Safety Summit will be streamed or recorded. 



Content and Schedule:


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Nov 20, 2024

Scouting America will adopt Child USA's Gold Standard Tool

According to Glen Pounder, Chief Safeguarding Officer at Scouting America, “As an organization, Scouting America is dedicated to becoming a leader in safeguarding youth, inside and outside of Scouting. We are impressed with CHILD USA’s Gold Standard not only because of its efficiency, but also what we have been able to learn from it. We would recommend this for any youth-serving organization dedicated to effective and comprehensive child sex abuse prevention.”

Conclusion from Child USA's Gold Standard Tool

  "YSOs exist to improve children’s lives. Unfortunately, organizations have failed too

often to put adequate protections in place to prevent CSA and to respond appropriately

when abuse is uncovered. CHILD USA’s Gold Standard provides an accessible set of

recommendations that YSOs can implement to make sure they are up to date on best

practices in CSA prevention.

   Youth-serving institutions need strong policies to provide a blueprint of appropriate

behavior. Policies and procedures also represent important risk-management tools for the

prevention and early identification of sexual misconduct and for protecting those

vulnerable to or already victimized by misconduct.

  However, good policies are only the first step to preventing CSA. Risk of CSA grows in

an atmosphere of secrecy. Preventing future abuse requires educating children, parents,

and personnel at all levels of an organization about abuse and encouraging them to speak

up whenever a concern arises.

  YSO leaders must also work closely with their employees and volunteers to constantly

reinforce an organizational culture of prioritizing child protection first and foremost.

Values such as transparency, accountability, and an emphasis on children’s rights can form

the basis of such a culture. Ultimately, it is up to the adults responsible for caring for

children to demonstrate a total commitment to their safety, which starts with sound policy

and continues as a constant process of vigilance, evaluation, and recommitment to

preventing CSA.  - Child USA Gold Standard"





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source clarity
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Gold Standard Checklist (Child USA's Gold Standard pages 19-21)


Primary Prevention

Background Screening

  • Written, signed employment or volunteer application

  • Conducts structured interviews

  • Calls and speaks to at least 3 references

  • Conducts multiple levels of checks for every employee or volunteer

  • Conducts background screenings for all third-party contractors who have contact with children

  • Conducts international background checks for all potential employees and

  • volunteers who have lived in other countries

  • Employee must pass background investigation before beginning employment

  • Repeat background screening at least every five years

Safe Physical Environment and Adequate Supervision

  • Visibility throughout the building,

  • Bright lighting in all areas

  • Clear windows to allow visibility into offices and meeting rooms

  • Formal screening procedures for building entrances and exits, including a sign in/out sheet and a staff monitor

  • Video surveillance technology in all spaces where adults have contact with children.

  • Adequate staff-to-child ratios

  • Adequate supervision to staff to perform regular, unannounced site visits

  • Separate sleeping, changing, and bathing accommodations for adults and children during overnight trips

  • Prohibit staff / volunteers from providing one-on-one transportation for children

Prevention Training

  • Provides child sexual abuse prevention training for employees / volunteers, parents, and children

  • Require training for employees / volunteers to be completed within 30 days of being hired and before working with minors

  • Repeat training at least annually

  • Utilizes evidence-based training programs

Code of Conduct

  • Provides guidelines on appropriate physical contact

  • Provides guidelines on verbal interactions, prohibiting sexualized conversations or emotional boundary violations

  • Provides guidelines for interacting digitally and/or on social media [12]

  • Prohibits grooming behaviors such as forming special relationships or giving children special gifts or privileges

  • Prohibits sharing sleeping quarters with children during overnight trips or travel for competitions

  • The Code of Conduct explained to children and parents and posted on the organization’s website

  • Prohibits off-site interactions between staff / volunteers and children unless part of organizational activity with parental permission.

  • Prohibits one-on-one interactions between adults and children

  • Requires staff and volunteers to sign a statement of receipt and agreement with the Code of Conduct upon being hired and annually thereafter

Reporting Red-Flag Behaviors

  • Designates an internal officer within the human resources department to receive all reports of “red flag” behaviors and coordinate a response

  • Provides a confidential means of making reports if the reporter wants to remain anonymous

  • Conducts a risk assessment following reports of concerning behaviors

  • Determines fitness for employment and decide on any restrictions

  • Limits contact with minors to supervised interactions until decision is made

  • Notify all future employers of boundary violation concerns


Response to Abuse

Reporting Abuse to Civil Authorities

  • Makes it clear in policies that abuse only needs to be suspected; personnel are not to

    attempt to carry out their own investigation

  • Reports all allegations of abuse, including those beyond any statute of limitations, to

    authorities as required by law

  • Requires reporting within 24 hours of first knowledge or disclosure of abuse

  • Lay out who to call, information to include in call, and phone numbers to call

  • Provides information on how to report abuse on website and in child-friendly

    posters on the organization’s premises

  • Suspected abusers should not be confronted by staff; first contact should be made

    by law enforcement

  • Establishes penalties for failures to report, including organizational and legal


  • Establishes whistleblower protection policies and provide good-faith immunity for


Cooperation with Independent External Investigations

  • Informs law enforcement of suspected or known abuse and cooperate with


  • Seizes evidence in a timely fashion

  • Describes and documents evidence in writing and preserve descriptions in records

  • Turns all evidence over to civil authorities

  • Suspends accused staff member or volunteer during investigation

  • Prohibits accused from contacting or retaliating against victim in any way

  • Asks coworkers and direct supervisors to report any inappropriate behavior they

    have observed

  • Prohibits transfers within the organization or employment recommendations while

    investigation of abuse is pending

Victims' Rights and Assistance

  • Posts victims’ rights throughout the premises, on the website, and in an employee /volunteer handbook

  • Establishes rights for victims to:

  1. Physical and emotional safety

  2. Privacy

  3. Report abuse

  4. Receive support and assistance (e.g., counseling, mental health treatment)

  5. Know the status and results of any investigation

  6. An apology letter from YSO leadership

  7. Not be bound to a confidential settlement agreement

  8. Acquire legal representation

  • Establishes an independent victim’s assistance coordinator

  • Provides funding for counseling or mental health treatment regardless of victim’s

    decision to pursue legal action

  • Recognizes need to prevent revictimization and develop a plan to meet any special needs of the child so that he or she can feel safe within the organization

Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Takes corrective action to strengthen policies and practices following the completion of civil investigations

  • Strengthens policies and practices through continuous evaluating effectiveness of practices and programs

  • Evaluates policies and programs with evidence-based methods and strategies

  • Establishes regular benchmarks and milestones for meeting prevention goals

  • Considers external audits to probe for other areas of weakness in program and policies

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fix my cut and paste index errors - two attempts
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2 hours ago, Tron said:

BSA is pretty much already there, from the list of action items what is missing?

You think so? I see a number of areas where we are short of the "gold standard". Plenty of areas of alingmnet, but some key gaps.

  • Conducts structured interviews [not required at all or even given examples of what to cover]

  • Calls and speaks to at least 3 references [not required at all]

  • Video surveillance technology in all spaces where adults have contact with children. [no required, not sure how we would get access]

  • Repeat training at least annually [every 2 years]

  • The Code of Conduct explained to children and parents and posted on the organization’s website [not explained to children]

  • Posts victims’ rights throughout the premises, on the website, and in an employee [no victims rights spelled out]

  • Establishes regular benchmarks and milestones for meeting prevention goals [unknown, not plublic]

  • Considers external audits to probe for other areas of weakness in program and policies [unknown, not public]

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   1. The "Gold Standard List" is a work in progress, particularly in the areas of accountability, certification, transparency, and false reporting.

   2. As @mrjohns2 detailed, the BSA has more work to comply with this version of "Gold Standard List"

The BSA public Annual Report should have YP data from previous years and current year: a table of youth safety incidents by type, number, program;  number of employees and volunteers removed; number reinstated,... When I hear Scouting is safer, show me the data!

Similarly, Councils should have a public list of locally removed employees and volunteers in hand when YP training is given. I know, try to get Council to release a list of MBC's.

My $0.02,

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clarity, typo
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