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Anyone know what happened to the Phlmont Protestant Worship Guide?

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Not sure how to add this as a "file" , but here goes.....   

“…to do my duty to God…”                    29 April, 2011
                                    Blue Ridge Center , WVA 
** Opening/Welcome
**BSA  Promise and Law:  Universal?
**Scouting as a religion?   Or religious organization?   ”Declaration of Religious Principle”
**B-P’s Quotes:  the origin, the result…
**Us or Them?
WHY  “Scout’s Own”?
** INclusive or INsulting? Choices:::  Nada,  Particular,  Sort of (with understanding but mushy),  Spiritually Suggestive
** Setting  :  Apart, special,  
**Parts:  Gathering,  Middle (Reminders & Suggestions),  Closing & Benediction.
** Music?
**  Program?  
**  Chaplain Aides:::  Scout  Led.
**About 15 to 20 minutes, max.  

Some References:  Bible,   Qur’an,  Book of Mormon,  Lotus Sutra,  Hindu Vedas  , 
Gospel of the Redman=E.T.Seton,     The Scouter’s Companion=Gibbs Smith,  
Strength For  Service=Nygard & Hunsberger,   
The Best of the Leader Cut Out Pages=Scouts Canada ,  
In  Our Own Way = R.L.Edmonds,  The Scoutmaster Minute = R. Wendel.
    www.religioustolerance.org  ,   www.macscouter  ,   www.usscouts.org  , 
    www.boyscouttrail.com   ,   www.religionfacts.com   ,   www.scouter.com  

A Sample  Scout’s Own  Worship Service

A  Gathering  ===

O  Great Spirit whose voice I hear in the winds
    And whose breath gives life to all the world,  hear me.
I  come before you as one of your many children . I am small and weak.
    I need your strength and wisdom.
Let me walk in beauty. Make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset. 
    Make my hands respect the things you have made
        And my ears sharp to hear your voice.
Make me wise so I may learn the things you have taught my  people,
the lessons you have hidden under every leaf and rock. 
I seek strength, not to be superior to my brothers,
    But to be able to fight my greatest enemy,  myself.
Make me ever ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes, 
so when life fades like the fading sunset,
    my spirit will come to you without shame.

                =attributed to Chief Yellow Lark,  Blackfoot =

A  Re:sponsive Reading       The Scout Law
Leader:    “The person who is dishonest shall not live in My house; the person who is 
untruthful shall not stand before My eyes.”                       Psalm 101:7
Leader:  “And Ruth said: “Do not beg me to leave you or to return from following 
    after you, for where you go I will go; and where you stay, I will stay.”    Ruth1:16

Leader: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”                               Leviticus 19:18

Leader:  “Can two walk together unless they agree?”                            Amos3:3

Leader:  “Honor your father and mother.”                Exodus20:12

Leader: “Withold not good from the person to whom it is due, when it is in the power 
    of your hand to do it.”                                             Proverbs3:27

Leader:  “Apply your heart to instruction, and your ears to the words of knowledge.”
Troop:  A SCOUT IS OBEDIENT                        Proverbs23:12

Leader:  “A glad heart is good medicine.”                              Proverbs17:22

Leader:  “Precious treasure remains in a wise person’s dwelling, but a foolish
     person uses it up.”                            Proverbs20:12

Leader:  “Be strong and of good courage.”                  I Chronicles28:20

Leader:  “Who shall ascend the mountain of the Lord?  And who shall stand in His holy 
    Place?  The person who has clean hands and a pure heart.”            Psalms24:3-4

Leader:   “It has been told to you  what is good, and what the Lord requires of you;  
to  do justly, and to love mercy , and to walk humbly with your God.”    Micah6:8


*        *        *        *

A Dialogue          When Night Ends…

A:   The rabbi asked of his students: “How can we determine the hour of dawn –
 when the night ends and the day  begins?”   

B:   “When , from a distance , you can distinguish between a dog and a sheep?”  
one of  his students suggested.

A:     “No”, the rabbi replied.

B:    “Master, is it when you can distinguish between a fig tree and a grapevine?”  
another  student asked.

A:   “No “ he replied.

B:   “Please tell us the answer, then”  said the students.

A:   “It is when you can look into the face of a human being and have enough light 
to recognize in him your brother”  the wise teacher replied.   
“Until then, it is night, and the darkness is still with us.”

*        *        *        *

A Choice            Silent  Worship    

Listen!  To the world.  To yourself.   To the Spirit within and without. Listen!
If something occurs to you, something stirred perhaps by what has gone before,  allow  the Spirit to move you to speak and share your thought.  
But do not break the silence merely to break it .

*         *        *        *    

A  Reading        

“See thou that it is God whose praises all beings in the heavens and  earth do celebrate, even the birds (of the air) with wings outspread?  Each knows it’s own (mode of ) prayer and praise.”
                            Qur’an, Ch.24, V.41                                                                    


A  Prayer            (found on a wall of an old inn in Lancashire England)    

Give us health, our keep to make
an’ a bit to spare for poor    folks sake;
give us all in th’ struggle and splutter
our daily bread and a bit o’ butter.
        Give us, Lord, a bit o’ sun
        a bit o’ work and a bit o’ fun;
give us sense, for we’re some of us duffers,
an’  a heart to feel for all that suffers.

Give us, too, a bit o’ a song,
an’ a tale, an’ a book to help us along,
an’ give us our share o’ sorrows lesson 
that we may prove how grief’s a blessin’.

Give us, Lord, a chance to be 
Our goodly best, brave, wise and free,
Our goodly best for ourselves and others
Til  all men learn to live as brothers.


*        *        *        *
Benediction    (together please)

“ May the  Great Scoutmaster  
of all Scouts 
 be with us,                 
til we meet again.”

Various Prayers, Graces, etc.
*Prayer to say before White Water Canoeing (or  do anything, come to think of it):::
“Dear God, we are about to go Canoeing. In a little while, we will be very busy. Please forgive us if we forget about you. Please do not forget about us.”

*Superman Grace (to the tune of the first movie theme) with appropriate hand motions:::
    “Thank you Lord, thanks for the foooood!
    Thank you Lord, thanks for the foo-ooood!
    Thanks for the fooo-ood, it really is goo-ood!
    We thank thee, oh Lord!  Thanks for the food!

*Old Scottish Grace (with accent, if possible):::
    Sum ha’ meat and canna eat, 
    Sum ca’  eat and ha’e  none.
    But WE ha’e  meat, an’ WE ca’  eat, 
    And so the Laird be than-ked.

*Philmont Grace:::
    “For food, for raiment, for life, for opportunity, 
for friendship and fellowship, we thank thee, oh Lord.”
(depending on when you visited Philmont, there may be other versions of this)

*Irish Blessing:::
May the road rise to meet your feet, the wind be ever at your back and the sun be over your shoulder, and may God keep you in the palm of his hand, til we meet again.

    May ye be in heaven 15 minutes afore the deevil  knows yer dead!

*From Rumi:::  Let the beauty we love be what we do.

*Navaho::    Before me peaceful
            Behind me peaceful
                Under me peaceful
                    Around me peaceful.

        Sing the traditional hymn, but add verses about the Scout Law:
    “A Scout is Trustworthy, Lord, kum-ba-yah,  a Scout is Loyal, Lord, kum-ba-yah…”
    …and so forth.   You might be surprised how well it fits!                     

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Thank you.  This post is good materials for an interfaith service, but unfortunately, it is not what I am looking for.

The Worship book from Philmont was about 25 pages long and had all Protestantism based material.

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Only topic-adjacent, but I sincerely wonder if anyone has ever even tried to join anything from the Lotus Sutra with the rest of the service. Other than that worshiping deities is a sideshow at best and a departure from the path at worst, the Lotus Sutra builds so much on foundational teachings that it assumes that the reader knows that it would be very hard to cite only it unless the audience are all Mahayana practicioners already. Relatedly, some Theravada practicioners might take offense at the lesser vehicle/hinayana thing, and seeing as the sutra expounds on the difference between arhatship and full, complete, perfect enlightenment at length it's one of the Mahayana sutras most likely to being out that sectarian conflict.

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