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Councils With No Commissioners

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Has anyone served in a council that dropped their Commissioner Service? I would like to know what position the council chartered the previous commissioners into and how it affects commissioners working for their Doctorate in Commissioner Science. I am a thesis or project away after serving 9 years in the field - UC, CSRT, BSRT, DC and BS and MS in Commissioner Service. 

How hard would it be to ask a neighboring council to extend a commissioner position to me? Is it even possible? I have another council's units within a few miles.

Thank you for replies. I'm feeling stressed and desperate for a solution.

Please repost in another forum if needed as I wasn't sure if this needs to be in Council Relations.


Edited by Scoutmaster Teddy
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17 minutes ago, fred8033 said:

Is your council dropping commissioner service?  I assume yes, but I wanted to explicitly ask.

It’s a possibility. No vote has occurred yet but it’s popular with the Council Exec Board and the Council Commish. 

Edited by Scoutmaster Teddy
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@Scoutmaster Teddy ... I'm not sure what you would do.  I wish you the best though.  Perhaps another council would welcome the help.  IMHO, best method is to work thru your existing connections.


@Tron ... I can conceive of other solutions.  ...  Commissioner service WAS fundamental 30+ years ago.  Not anymore.   Now, few attend roundtable as they get their resources online:  training, schedules, contacts.  ... Unit commissioner performance has always been hit and miss.  ... Then add that councils have cost to support commissioners, such as expecting a paid staff member to attend roundtables.  ...  Then, add that many of our lives are busier as we've lost time to web, cell phones, etc.   I can easily see a different path.  

Edited by fred8033
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Haven't heard of a council without commissioners.  I know finding unit commissioners is pretty tough these days.  Heck, Eagle Scouts are easier to find.  Having been a commissioner since 2001, I've seen ups and downs between the 11 councils I've worked with.  I would like to see a reason for more interest in the service.  We also had commissioners on paper that did nothing.  That didn't help the image of commissioners either.

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