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Are undershirts required...


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The short answer is no, especially if you mean “would proper full uniform require an undershirt beneath the uniform shirt.”  I’ve never worn a t-shirt, and even the Woodbadge folks who insisted I turn my collar under and pretend I was wearing a shirt from 1980 didn’t feel it was a requirement.

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8 minutes ago, MrJZhu said:

@InquisitiveScouterso our troop making me button the top button is wrong?

Yes, see the Inspection Sheet...

And, when you point it out, Be Prepared to learn about a cognitive bias we humans have:


After you let them know, and show the evidence, please report back, and let us know if the culture of your unit is one of following the Scout Law (A Scout is Obedient), or one of defiance ;) 


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Not required, although some may like to (my son doesn't like the feel of the scout shirt on his torso, so wears an undershirt or a performance "activity uniform" shirt underneath). I wear a performance shirt underneath if camping in cooler weather, etc

Reference top button, as the ASM in charge of Trail to First Class said, "You're not in church, so undo that button!" 😄

Edited by rallybug
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