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Wrongfully accused

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How does someone wrongfully accused  get back to scouting and get their good name back? A scout master was named in bankruptcy  form in what only could have been a money grab no scout was never alone alone with the leader. The police were notified but there was no investigation performed.  The scouter is still in limbo for 3 years.  

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34 minutes ago, jumpingjoj said:

I know you are right.  The whole not knowing the accuser,  not knowing what was alleged, where, when.  Is all so wrong.  What kind of person ruins a person and  makes this accusation  just to get $3500. 

The kind found by advertising done by legal vultures.  Jus t saying.  


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@jumpingjoj, I'm not too familiar with the bankruptcy process. How exactly did a scout leader get roped into this?

Aside from someone getting physically hurt under my charge, this is pretty much my worst nightmare as a scout volunteer. Unless the accused wanted to lawyer-up to clear their name (with a limited success rate and drawing more attention to themselves in the process), their efforts may be better spent elsewhere. We're only given so much time on this Earth - why spend it on an organization that would turn on them so quickly?

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When my financial advisor found out I was a scout leader and taking other people's kids in my car and out camping, he recommended I carry umbrella liability insurance.  I have done so for 30 years now.  It is very reasonable in cost.  You can be perfectly innocent and not at fault, but if you get sued or accused, it can cost you everything to defend yourself.  Such is today's litigious society that feels if my kid gets hurt, SOMEONE has to pay, no matter the reason.

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