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Scoutmaster Doesn't Get It


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Yep. How many Scouts, how many Patrols actually?   

Patrol cooking and activities are important.   Adult "Patrol"....   Two Scouts make a Patrol.  Patrols can be, ARE a measure of the TROOP'S success.  

Perhaps the SM sees the few Scouts (how many "few"?) just need to be economically, efficiently co-agulated into one "PATROL" of the whole. SM then misses the point.  The gang is the Patrol.  Kids want, will gravitate into a gang, if there is nothing else. Look at Haiti. as an extreme example.  Patrols are a learning time, a chance to do "gang" stuff  in a GOOD way.   

Where did SM do their training?  What did they learn about Scouting?   Are they a Scientist type?  a Farmer type?  A  Teacher type?  Everyone "all in their places with bright shining faces" type?   What, after all, is Scouting's purpose?  Self assurance?   Skill and pride of accomplishment, perhaps?  how is that accomplished if the Scouts aren't "turned loose" ?   

In a CSDC some years back, on the last day....  thru the past week we had daily sessions, rotated thru the day. Fairly organized....  On the last day, a "WATER FEST">  games, tug a war thru a mud pit, lots of just fun stuff.  One lady came up to me and said she didn't understand how this could be a good thing, she didn't know  what her Cub might be "LEARNING"... I asked her where her Cub was, where the Den was, she pointed "over there"...  the Cub Wash area, the Sponge throw battle area... I asked was he smiling, was he enjoying himself. She nodded "I guess so."  I said then we had been successful. Ask him about his knots and Poison Ivy later..Siren sounded and the Dens took off for the next wet thing......


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13 minutes ago, mrjohns2 said:

One patrol has 7 and the other 9. The one with 9 are older scouts. On the campout there were 3 in the older patrol and 5 in the younger patrol and 3 adults. 

Scoutmaster attended wood badge maybe 10 years ago. 

That would be three separate menus/shopping/cooking/cleanup in our unit, so three patrols.  3 olders is enough for a "patrol."

Edited by InquisitiveScouter
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1 hour ago, InquisitiveScouter said:

That would be three separate menus/shopping/cooking/cleanup in our unit, so three patrols.

Her argument is that is 3x the work. An ASM tried to explain to her that this is the process. This is how things get done. Cooking for 11 isn’t easy,  or how it should be done. 

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2 minutes ago, mrjohns2 said:

Her argument is that is 3x the work. An ASM tried to explain to her that this is the process. This is how things get done. Cooking for 11 isn’t easy,  or how it should be done. 

How is it 3x the work for her??  LOL

And how will the Scouts learn, if not by doing?

I know... preaching to the choir 😜 

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No Scout is going to starve in one weekend campout. Maybe three days, but not two....

And learning to cook is a  three step process:  1) watch others cook (mom, dad, the Patrol Leader...) 2) trying it out yourself (when was the FIRST time you flipped a pancake successfully ?) 3) Finding out the cellophane and cardboard  on the frozen pizza is NOT part of the ingredients,,,,  .discovering that yes, you can cook Dinty Moore Stew in it's can, but you must OPEN IT first..... ... 

We will discuss hygiene and clean up next time....

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3 hours ago, SSScout said:

Two Scouts make a Patrol. 

Minor argument that is negotiable.  One scout on a campout could be a patrol. 

We can all agree a patrol is a patrol.  Regrouping into adhoc patrols or doing doing things at the troop level subverts the patrol system.  When forming long-term patrols at troop meetings, two patrols is not good.  Ideally, seven scouts is a good patrol size.  ... BUT if on the campout, only one scout from that patrol goes on the campout, then that scout should be given the option to cook by themselves.  

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3 hours ago, mrjohns2 said:

Her argument is that is 3x the work. An ASM tried to explain to her that this is the process. This is how things get done. Cooking for 11 isn’t easy,  or how it should be done. 

Work for who?   Is the SM (she?) doing ALL the work?  Is she teaching COOKING MB?   Is she doing the KP?  Is the CChr doing all they can to keep the SM occupied and busy elsewhere?  

 The SM's job is to sit back by the campfire and say "go ask your Patrol Leader" with appropriate aplomb and important harumf  sounds....   

Edited by SSScout
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5 hours ago, mrjohns2 said:

Her argument is that is 3x the work. An ASM tried to explain to her that this is the process. This is how things get done. Cooking for 11 isn’t easy,  or how it should be done. 

 Rephrase it as 3x the opportunities for scout growth. Scouting isn't "work". By her doing one big patrol she is denying scouts opportunities. 

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9 hours ago, fred8033 said:

Minor argument that is negotiable.  One scout on a campout could be a patrol. 

We can all agree a patrol is a patrol.  Regrouping into ad-hoc patrols or doing doing things at the troop level subverts the patrol system.  When forming long-term patrols at troop meetings, two scouts patrols is not good.  Ideally, seven scouts is a good patrol size.  ... BUT if on the campout, only one scout from that patrol goes on the campout, then that scout should be given the option to cook by themselves.  

I hate typos in my own writing.  :(

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We solved the "3x the work" cooking issue by camping next to the parking lot and ordering out-by patrols, of course.

Separate patrol checks.  Scouts can't cook, but at least "Thrifty" is a work-in-progress.

Edited by SiouxRanger
errant "
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