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Troop to Venturing to Eagle

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We recently just started a crew and I have a scout that started her Eagle scout project with her troop. She is no longer comfortable in her troop as things have gone array and the mixture between the charters girl and boy troop are so mingled she said that they are officially known as the "hook up troop". I don't have much to say about that, but she asked me if it was a possibility to move her Eagle project over to our Venturing Crew.

We are in a neighboring council. Is this something that is doable? What are the steps to be done? Does she need to start over?

Any help, links, advice would be appreciated!

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1 hour ago, ScoutingMama4 said:

We recently just started a crew and I have a scout that started her Eagle scout project with her troop. She is no longer comfortable in her troop as things have gone array and the mixture between the charters girl and boy troop are so mingled she said that they are officially known as the "hook up troop". I don't have much to say about that, but she asked me if it was a possibility to move her Eagle project over to our Venturing Crew.

We are in a neighboring council. Is this something that is doable? What are the steps to be done? Does she need to start over?

Any help, links, advice would be appreciated!

@ScoutingMama4, welcome!

This is totally acceptable.  However, I believe she would need to get the Proposal approved by the Venturing Crew Unit Leader and Committee Chair.

Where is she in the process?

If her proposal has already been approved in the Troop, she should call the Council or District rep who signed it. (Hopefully this will be the District Advancement Chair or designee...)  I recommend she seek guidance from them first, then get back to the Venturing Crew signatures on the proposal, if that is the way she is advised to go.

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So the Scout has the project and has now moved to another unit in another council.  Assuming the Scout has transferred to the new council and unit.

  • Assuming the beneficiary does not care what unit or council the Scout is active / registered with
  • The Scout would need to get approval from the unit, which seems to not be an issue
  • The Scout would need to get the project approved by the new district.  Likely just update the signature page and dates
  • Would need to be aware of the new district processes.  Potentially the Unit Leader or CC could advise the district of the transfer. no need to go into specifics, just a better fit

While in the same district and council we have had some Scouts from troop that did not recharter continuing their Eagle journey with our unit.  2 had projects approved and we moved them in Scoutbook and they have proceeded on.  Your only wrinkle is new council and district.

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I would recommend talking with the leadership of the new unit and solicit advice on who her contact should be going forward for the whole process as though she hadn't actually begun. Councils can have different procedures they desire be followed on the whole approval process (our Council requires the youth contact the District Eagle coordinator with a rough outline- similar to what is in the project proposal section of the workbook- after meeting with their Coach but before engaging to obtain any signatures, for example). As much of a pain as this can be right now, she will be working with a whole new group of folks through the remainder of her project, and establishing some rapport now can be beneficial later on. With that new contact, she can address next steps, what has been done so far, etc. For the sake of a clean recording, new signatures are probably going to recommended, but best to have whomever she will work with to submit and coordinate BoR later be informed now and know her transfer situation (and would agree with Jameson- less is more on details. All they need to know is she decided to make a Venturing Crew her primary unit going forward, and the Crew that was the best fit for her happens to be in a neighboring community that is within the boundary of a new Council). Best of luck to her. 

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