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Burnt Out or what


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So I have been involved in Scouting for over 40 years, and I have burnt out once before. At that time I was in multiple district roles, and serving as a CSDL. Getting rid of the district roles, and focusing on the DL role helped tremendously.

But this past year has been different. The constant fee increases are one thing that is affecting me. Not only has the national fees gone up, but so have the council ones. To be honest I do not see the value in the fees. I see nothing of value from the national fee, As for the council fee,  the council is almost useless. Only service I get from them is the office staff. Professional staff for a number of years have been useless, or worse causing problems. I have asked for help with recruiting so I could keep my unit, and other units in the district, alive instead of starting new units that drain resources, and was no, they will start new units. I have talked in other posts about problems with events and treatment of volunteers. So I honestly cannot see paying those fees, especially with some of the families. SO that is a downer.

The other downer is the troop is dying. At one time, almost all of our Scouts came from other troops. We had a very  active program. But with no school recruiting, we are down to 3 packs in the old district. The troops that  have packs all have close relationships with their packs, as they should, and folks are staying with their COs. We are down to a handful of scouts. We have tried a bunch of different things, but have not gotten anyone. Heck we recruited more Scouts for the girls' troop than our own. 

As for the Scouts, most will age out in the next 1-2 years. One will quit as soon as he gets Eagle because even with financial aid the troop is giving, they cannot afford the program. All they pay is summer camp and monthly camping meals. everything else is paid for by the troop for them. Which is sad because the Scout loves the program, and we have had 4 Eagles in the past 4 years stay with the troop until aging out.   So it has been depressing.

We rechartered for this year, but if things do not improve, I do not think we will be around in 2025. I will take any positive feedback, anything at all. I need spirits lifted, and it ain't happening.



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Don't see this as bad.  See if there is an option to provide a great experience for the few remaining scouts for the time they have left.  See if there are any options like being a patrol under another troop.  

A key is don't take this as a big negative statement for you and yours.  There is a magical mix in scouts.  People.  Recruiting.  Experiences.  When things shift, it can kill troops.  The key is you and your troop provide great experiences for the scouts you have.  Then, when they are gone, they are gone.  It's okay to close down.  You have not failed.

Edited by fred8033
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After our troop folded (all Eagled/aged out), and no parents willing to step up, I took on district and council roles (Training and Camping Committees).  Then the fee increases started and health began to decline, so I threw in the towel right before COVID hit.  After being almost continuously registered in the same Council since 1964 (Eagle 1970), I called to let them know I wasn't going to recharter, the only response I got was "OK, thanks."  That told me I had made the right decision...no one cared.


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10 minutes ago, scoutldr said:

After our troop folded (all Eagled/aged out), and no parents willing to step up, I took on district and council roles (Training and Camping Committees).  Then the fee increases started and health began to decline, so I threw in the towel right before COVID hit.  After being almost continuously registered in the same Council since 1964 (Eagle 1970), I called to let them know I wasn't going to recharter, the only response I got was "OK, thanks."  That told me I had made the right decision...no one cared.


Thank you for all those dedicated years of service!

I care, brother!


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