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Legal settlements and abuse


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My fact finding so far.


Judicial approval of an claim audit program: There was a concern by the court (and insurance companies) that claims should be further checked.


Trustee Houser's 2023 Year End Letter:


an extract follows:

"Because we strive to operate as transparently as possible, below are key facts about
the Trust’s operations in the first year.
  The Trust received 5,835 Expedited Distribution claims, about 79% of the
expected total. Of those, 5,629 have been determined eligible for payment
1,727 have been paid. We anticipate paying the remainder of the eligible
claims as soon as those Claimants complete and return their final paperwork..."

There was no further information or inference regarding the 21% determined not eligible as of 2023. Those ineligible claims may be simply incomplete (rushed?) . The Settlement Trust Quarterly reports similarly show only information of processed eligible claims. I would not characterize 21% as "many" and I would definitely NOT conclude any were necessarily fraudulent.

PM exchange, one of the parties does not want to further discuss matter and has asked for his account to be deleted.

Account deleted (banned). Topic unlocked. Please keep discussion scoutlike. Fact-checking with reference links is Helpful.

Edited by RememberSchiff
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And another one appears.  Now it is the AKC.  https://www.aol.com/news/american-kennel-clubs-pedophile-problem-140634396.html

Again, it is not just BSA.  It is a societal problem, and the focus needs to be far broader.  But it will never be completely stopped, as that is not part of the human nature element.  

"Still no excuse for the mistakes and actual abuse in BSA."  

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