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  On 6/9/2023 at 2:12 PM, Better4itall said:

no longer seems up to the task. 


I love your post.

Here are a few observations and words of wisdom for all...

- The Scouts in your unit need you.  Being a unit leader is the most important adult position in Scouting.  Be, know, do.  

- When you wear the uniform, or identify yourself as a Scouter, you become an ambassador of the ideals and the movement.  Unfortunately, people judge the movement from your words and actions.

- Although you wear the uniform, and you are an ambassador, you are not responsible for the actions of others, nor are you accountable to explain them.  Do not try.

- You will always find those who do not demonstrate our core values: The Scout Oath and Scout Law.  Distance yourself from them.  Find a group of adults who agree to hold each other mutually accountable, and you and your unit will flourish.

- The Boy Scouts of America is a corporation; Scouting is a movement.  The two are separable, in spite of the attempts of the former to monopolize the latter in our country.  (If the BSA goes Chapter 7, what will you do?)

-  The more integrity, service, and excellence you are able to achieve, and the closer you align your life with the ideals of Scouting, the more those who do not have those traits or ideals will hold you in disdain.  When they hold power, they will attempt to marginalize you.  This is true in any endeavor.  (See Proverbs 29:27)  When that happens to you, go back to the first point.

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