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Bacon and the Boys Raise a Flag by Yuka Murakami


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Event: Raising the Flag, Coming of Age in WW2 Concentration Camps

March 4, 2023  at Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles, CA (see link for more information)


"Join the Boy Scouts of Heart Mountain in an intergenerational conversation on coming of age in a World War II concentration camp. The event will highlight a short film by Yuka Murakami that captured a moment at the 2019 Heart Mountain Camp pilgrimage opening ceremony where 89-year-old Harumi “Bacon” Sakatani, who was a teenage incarceree and former Boy Scout during World War II, is adamant about raising the U.S. flag alongside his fellow Boy Scouts. This program will also be a Gathering of Eagles, providing an opportunity for the community of Boy Scouts to come together in community and conversation."



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