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couple quick questions

Proud Eagle

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First quick explanation-


Went to nearest scout shop and service center, which involves driving ten minutes, but crossing state, council, and region lines.


I asked if I could get a copy of the guide to safe scouting, and the lady says sure, they give those out for free.


Now that I look at it, it is just a photocopy of a print out of the online version. It is the 2001 edition with the 2003 age appropriate activities update mentioned, but not included.


So, is this the current edition, and if not, should I order one from supply?


Are service centers supposed to be handing out photocopies of the things?


What is info.netbsa.org ?


Why would a warning not to release information from info.netbsa.org appear at the end of the guide?

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The best way to get the most current version is to get it off line. it was updated this month.


But a council that runs off several copies has no way of knowing when national is going to run updates and it does not want to waste resources so it is giving the brochures out until they are gone. They should be telling folks to always look on line for possible updates and additions.


netbsa.org is also known as scoutnet. It is an intranet that links all councils to national and vice versa. The reason that they are not to reproduce information from it is that it contains confidential information on millions of members. So what you saw was a standard disclaimer which can be enforced at will.


BW(This message has been edited by Bob White)

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Bob - You mentioned that the G2SS was updated this month. Is there any reference to what was changed? A pet-peeve of mine is when someone updates a manual and doesn't tell you what changed. Was it "cosmetic" changes or were their some policy changes?


Inquiring minds want to know...

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Does BSA publish some master list of when each publication was last updated, or at least a yearly list of everything new and updated for that year?


I can't seem to find anything that tells me when something new comes out. I just bought a copy of the troop program resources yesterday, it is the 2002 edition. Yet, the 2003 edition of the SPL handbook, which I also purchased yesterday, claims there is material in the program resources which are not there, or at least I can't find them.


Speaking of the program resources, does anyone else think the forms section was a bit lacking? It seems to me if you are going to put a class 3 medical form in it, there should also be a class 1 and 2, yet, there doesn't seem to be. Maybe a just got a bad edition or something.



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I just looked at the G2SS updates and, interestingly, they are dated yesterday. What I'd like to know is, how would I as a unit Scouter know there are updates, if I didn't see it in this forum? When I attended "Risk Zone" training, they confirmed basically what Bob has said, that the most up to date edition is the online version and that you should "check now and then" for new versions. But there has to be a better system than "check now and then" for letting people know these things, isn't there? Especially on something as important as safety?


(Before anyone asks, "Risk Zone" is a course that I do not believe has gone nationwide yet. It is essentially an introduction to the Guide to Safe Scouting. When I attended it, they said the course had been created in our council and was being "looked at" by national. Other councils may have something similar under other names. The training is optional, except that our council's version of the Local Tour Permit requires that at least the leader of the outing have taken Risk Zone training, so they offer it fairly often, sometimes in conjunction with Youth Protection.)

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This is exactly the problem I am concerned with.


Someone could have a decade old version of the guide to safe scouting and honestly claim they have a copy and have read it. They could even be totally ignorant of the fact there is a newer version.


There has got to be a better way to handle this.


Maybe we should all start complaining.


Or perhaps we should start working on a solution.


Heck, I found all sorts of forms and papers in our troop library and filing cabinets after the meeting tonight. Some may still be current. Others are thing I had never heard of. Still other are things I know have been replaced by newer things, but I wouldn't know that unless I just happened to be familiar with the new versions.


Also, whatever solution is found there needs to be an explanation if it is a minor update of cosmetic things, or a significant change that would make it necessary to buy the new version to be up to date.



Oh, NJ,

we had been using Woods Wisdom. That is, until our program planning process fell apart a few years ago. After that the planning sucked, and nothing was used.


Now I am trying to get things back on track. I did go dig out an old copy of Woods Wisdom, and we may still use some of the stuff out of it. However, with any luck, I will be able to get the program features (I would buy them myself, but I just can't justify spending money on more Scouting stuff right now).

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