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BULLYING! Poor Scouting Values in adults


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On 12/3/2021 at 6:35 AM, scoutldr said:

Remind me of a Scoutmaster's Minute:

"A man who was traveling came upon a farmer working in his field and asked him what the people in the next village were like. The farmer asked "What were the people like in the last village you visited?" The man responded "They were kind, friendly, generous, great people." "You'll find the people in the next village are the same," said the farmer.

Another man who was traveling to the same village came up to the same farmer somewhat later and asked him what the people in the next village were like. Again the farmer asked "What were the people like in the last village you visited?" The second man responded, "They were rude, unfriendly, dishonest people." "You'll find the people in the next village are the same," said the farmer."

No disrespect intended, but after many years on this forum, we know that there are at LEAST two sides to every story and we are only hearing one.  I admire you for your passion and wanting nothing but the best for the Scouts, and wanting to start a new unit.  But it will NOT be "your" unit...it will be the Chartering Organization's unit, and you will work for them.  IF you can find one in these uncertain times.  Scouting is a partnership, consisting of the Scouts, their parents, the adult volunteers, the CO, and the BSA.  ALL must work together, and in harmony.  All we can hope for is that we all "Do Your Best" to make a positive experience for the Scouts.

Good luck, and God Bless.


I am by no means a Bible scholar and I can't quote a specific scripture to direct you to regarding what I am about to say.  However, I am reminded of the story of God saying that if one righteous person can be found in Sodom and Gamorrah (please forgive my spelling), he will not destroy that city.  My stance is that I am very, very familiar with the scouting core values.  I live my life according to them because they are good standards to live by.  Scouting is almost like a place of refuge.  Parents put their unruly children in the scout program to learn morality because those doctrines are publicly strong, rich and universal.  Specifically, the YPT is big on making reports of any kind that will compromise those indoctrinated values.  I passionately live by the rules in any enviornment that I align myself and that is one personality trait no one will take from me.  I have spent these last few days watching the issue of the Oxford school shootings.  At the same time, i was thinking about my scouting situation.  There is no way I will equate that to the horrible outcome of the school situation but like many violent events our country has undergone, I truly believe that someone was trying to tell an authority figure what they knew.  That authority ignored the report and because the offender saw that the matter was not getting its rightful credence, they went further and further with their horrible behavior and each time, we all know the outcomes.  Now I know I am all over the place with this response so I will bottom line it.  Scouting has enforceable rules that all, adults and children, must follow.  Those in power is obligated to the sacred trust placed within them to enforce those rules, regardless of level.  By ignoring the most pettiest of issues, allows more inappropriate interactions than existed before.  So, I am one of those people who holds authority's feet to the fire.  So when I leave and go somewhere else, I go in with the same expectations...operate according to the scout doctrines.  I know I won't "own" a pack.  But I will definitely be the voice that speaks up when scout rules are violated.  That way, in the event that the name of scouting become so mistrustful in the public eye and a high level scout figure is looking for a unit that strictly operates according to scout rules...my unit will be the one he/she finds.

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25 minutes ago, mzzgwenf said:

I am by no means a Bible scholar and I can't quote a specific scripture to direct you to regarding what I am about to say.  However, I am reminded of the story of God saying that if one righteous person can be found in Sodom and Gamorrah (please forgive my spelling), he will not destroy that city.  My stance is that I am very, very familiar with the scouting core values.  I live my life according to them because they are good standards to live by.  Scouting is almost like a place of refuge.  Parents put their unruly children in the scout program to learn morality because those doctrines are publicly strong, rich and universal.  Specifically, the YPT is big on making reports of any kind that will compromise those indoctrinated values.  I passionately live by the rules in any enviornment that I align myself and that is one personality trait no one will take from me.  I have spent these last few days watching the issue of the Oxford school shootings.  At the same time, i was thinking about my scouting situation.  There is no way I will equate that to the horrible outcome of the school situation but like many violent events our country has undergone, I truly believe that someone was trying to tell an authority figure what they knew.  That authority ignored the report and because the offender saw that the matter was not getting its rightful credence, they went further and further with their horrible behavior and each time, we all know the outcomes.  Now I know I am all over the place with this response so I will bottom line it.  Scouting has enforceable rules that all, adults and children, must follow.  Those in power is obligated to the sacred trust placed within them to enforce those rules, regardless of level.  By ignoring the most pettiest of issues, allows more inappropriate interactions than existed before.  So, I am one of those people who holds authority's feet to the fire.  So when I leave and go somewhere else, I go in with the same expectations...operate according to the scout doctrines.  I know I won't "own" a pack.  But I will definitely be the voice that speaks up when scout rules are violated.  That way, in the event that the name of scouting become so mistrustful in the public eye and a high level scout figure is looking for a unit that strictly operates according to scout rules...my unit will be the one he/she finds.

So, Genesis 18:16 is the start of that story...and Abraham pled mercy from God to not destroy it if 50/45/40/30/20/10 righteous in the city could be found.  God continually relented and agreed if ten could be found, he would not destroy it.  Abraham did not plead lower than that.

God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

So, I'm having a little trouble with the analogy to your situation.  Do you see yourself as Abraham, pleading with God on behalf of the city?  Or do you see yourself as one of the ten (or the one), on whose account the city will be saved?  

Not to put too fine a point on it...be careful, because you yourself violate the rules from time to time.  Guaranteed.  There are such a massive amount of rules, policies and prohibitions in Scouting, that is is impossible to completely adhere to all of them in all situations.  I know and adhere to the rules as best I can.  Do I sometimes respond to a Scout's email without including another adult?  Yes, from time to time, it happens, as I get possibly a hundred a month.  Not intentionally...  Have there been times when I was the only adult left at the meeting waiting for parents to pick up?  Yes, but my son has always been there for no one-on-one.  Still, a technical violation of two-deep.  I hope you get the picture...

This is where grace, mercy, and forgiveness come in.  Do not be a martinet.  This might be why things don't work out well (from your story)...  People make mistakes, or find themselves in situations where they didn't intend to be.  Learn to admonish and correct with love...  and be aware of your own shortcomings.

Looking for a Biblical idea to fit your bill?  Maybe Ezekiel 22:30, "“I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one. 31 So I will pour out my wrath on them and consume them with my fiery anger, bringing down on their own heads all they have done, declares the Sovereign Lord.”

So much there to unpack...but I'll simply ask you to build up the wall and stand in the gap.


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