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Chapter 11 Announced - Part 6 - Plan 5.0/TCC Plan TBD


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24 minutes ago, CynicalScouter said:

One of the abuse victims is now suing pro se...the TCC, the BSA, the Coalition, the FCR, and everyone else associated with the RSA.


He is demanding at least $4.5 million.


Lonnie was the sole individual who objected to some other settlements.  He was in court and talked through his reasoning.  The judge was impressed and thanked him.  She said that even though she rules against him she finds it helpful to have claimants present and giving voice to their cause and asked him to keep it up.  

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35 minutes ago, CynicalScouter said:

The same pro se litigant is demanding document and other discovery from BSA and Crossroads of the West Council and to produce any document related to him for his inspection.

And he wants to personally depose BSA's CFO for at least 6 hours.


He's actually doing it somewhat right. He's made an attempted demand to the council, etc.

And since he is a listed abuse victim, I won't use his name.

Honestly, if he wants a big payout he should just ask to be part of the mediation meetings, sell out the remaining clients and then ask to be paid by BSA for selling them out.  Oh, wait, the coalition already took that path.  

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4 hours ago, CynicalScouter said:

Also keep in mind there was mediation at the end of last week. I keep thinking/expecting a 5-6pm mediators report from out of nowhere right before tomorrow's hearing.

I had the same premonition. Cheap settlement with Century. Hearing gives Rothweiler a stage on which to strut and cluck. 

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8 minutes ago, Rabid said:

And they recommend I vote ‘no’ based on my circumstances.

They recommend no regardless of the results.  Tier 1 in an open state. Tier 6 in a closed state. All the same;

We Will Recommend Our Clients Vote "No" on BSA's Plan: The low amount above is why we will recommend our clients vote “NO” on BSA's proposed plan. We believe the BSA, the local councils, the charter organizations, and the insurers can pay significantly more, but they will not do so until our clients reject BSA's proposed plan by voting "NO."”

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Certain insurers objecting to upcoming confirmation schedule BSA is about to file any minute now.

The solicitation schedule was approved at week.


in short they expect BSA to be uncooperative and want the judge to reject the schedule or be prepared to have challenge hearings.

there is no way this gets done by January 24 according to them .

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Interesting tidbit on what BSA will release in the middle of voting 

“This is critical because the Plan Supplement will include such important items as the names of the initial Settlement Trust Advisory Committee members, the final Hartford and TCJC settlement agreements, the Document Agreement, and the form of release to be executed by holders of Abuse Claims in favor of Settling Insurance Companies”

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The confirmation schedule BSA wants


I will say that I have never, ever seen a court allow a deadline/response in a civil matter on a Sunday. This however does (December 5 and January 9) AND put deadlines on Christmas Eve.



Deadline to Serve Written Discovery

October 8, 2021

Deadline to Serve Responses & Objections to Written Discovery

October 18, 2021

Document Production Substantially Complete

November 5, 2021

Deadline for parties to identify the topics on which they intend to submit expert reports (other than rebuttal expert reports)

November 15, 2021

Deadline to Complete Depositions of Fact Witnesses

December 1, 2021

Expert Reports Due

December 5, 2021

Deadline for parties to identify expert witnesses who will submit rebuttal expert reports

December 17, 2021

Preliminary Voting Report Deadline

December 21, 2021

Rebuttal Expert Reports Due

December 24, 2021

Final Voting Report Deadline

January 4, 2022

Plan Objection deadline

January 7, 2022

Deadline to Complete Depositions of Expert Witnesses

January 9, 2022

Deadline to Exchange Deposition Designations and File Motions in Limine

January 13, 2022

Confirmation Brief / Plan Reply Deadline

January 17, 2022

Deadline to Exchange Deposition Counter-Designations

January 18, 2022

Deadline to Submit Joint Pretrial Order, Witness and Exhibit Lists, Oppositions to Motions in Limine, and for Objections to Deposition Counter-Designations

January 20, 2022

Final Pretrial Conference

[January 21], 2022

Confirmation Hearing

January 24, 2022 at 10:00

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Agenda for today's hearing released.  See below.

Debtors’ Motion For Entry of Order (I) Scheduling Certain Dates and Deadlines in
Connection with Confirmation of the Debtors Plan of Reorganization, (II) Establishing
Certain Protocols, and (III) Granting Related Relief (D.I. 2618, filed 4/15/21).


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17 hours ago, ThenNow said:

Just received a 13.2 pound Priority Mail parcel from my friends at Omni Agent. I hope it’s a jumbo gold box filled with Godiva mixed truffles! I’ll share...

Upon further review and investigation, it appears Omni neither sent me the actual official packet nor the Godiva. Fellow sexual abuse claimants, please forgive me for any false alarms my post caused you and/or heightened expectations of a soon to arrive packet. I would never want to do that to you. I had not yet opened the box when I posted. My bad. 

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Cannot wait to see the unsealed version of this motion

[SEALED] Motion to Approve to Take Judicial Notice that the Court-Approved agent; Omni Agent Solutions has Effectively Abandoned its Clients with Debtor Claims that are Housed in Prisons. Filed by W.M.. The case judge is Laurie Selber Silverstein. (BJM)

Unsealed version https://casedocs.omniagentsolutions.com/cmsvol2/pub_47373/097fb989-2ad6-44ed-86d5-208a6ddf9310_6491.pdf

He is basically asking for the court to declare any incarcerated person with a claim a separate special class and to have counsel appointed for them.

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