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2023 National Jamboree


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Does anyone know if there will be a National Jamboree in 2023?  The one in 2021 was postponed and as of now it appears there will not be a National Jamboree in 2022.  I know there is a World Jamboree in 2023 but was hoping there could be a National one as well.  

We are attempting to determine our High Adventure plan for the summer of 2023 and National Jamboree was the top choice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In the discussion I have been involved it is still up in the air, but...

2022 - is all but officially a no go. In part because the logistical wheels would need to be in full motion at this point and they are not. Could something be pulled together? Possibly, but it would be very high risk of failure. Secondly, it is also NOAC in 2022 which is already in full motion. 

2023 - This is a possibility. First, the US contingent has a limited on how many can go to World Jamboree, but it is still likely several thousand. Second, the cost for South Korea will be several thousand dollars due to cost of flying. There may be some contractual obligations to work out with WOSM about not conflicting, but given Covids impact the last couple of years, it can probably be worked out. Third, it may be a more attractive opportunity than 2024, which is the year before the next SCHEDULED Jamboree.

2024 - Possibly, but not as likely as 2023 or waiting to 2025. Holding Jambo in 2024 would mean not having 2025 and would make the next Jambo 5 years out in 2029. I can see them doing a 2023 and a 2025 and getting Jambo back on a regular schedule. 

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  • 1 year later...

I just got the news I will serve as one of the ASMs from a troop from our council — its exciting since I never had the chance to do a Jamboree when I was a scout.

Any advice from the group for a newbie?  Personal equipment to take (or not bother taking) that I might not think of?  After action insights on what the adult leader experience is like?

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"It depends".

Schedule several practice  camps  for your slid together Troop.  The Scouts probably won't know each other to begin with.  Work with your SM.  This is a NEW Troop at a NEW  Jamboree, since COVID etc.   Scout led.  EXPECT alot from your Scouts, they will not disappoint you. 

Your tents will be given you, your cot will be given you, you will still be living out of a duffle . I would think no real room for a trunk. .  

Walk everywhere.  Get your hiking shoes worked in.  Rain shoes, serious hiking boots....  Summit is just that, up and down, alot.    Rain gear.  Door mat for outside the tent.  Maybe a campchair or old beach chair or two.   Paper plates, duct tape, markers for signage.  Make sure what Camp Gate they will allow you to make and set up.  Some Troops brought spectacular scenic gates, some more modest, lash together.   There are NO TREES to cut down, bring your own lash ups.   Read the manuals about what they plan/allow for cooking/sanitation, etc.    cellphones?  Handhelds?   Read the guidelines ("aye, they be more like...")  Plugs will be at a premium, "Yeah, I'm up to 68 percent"..... unless things have changed alot....  

Do not allow your Scouts to sit around reading tiktok.      Make sure they have a daily connection with the events.  Teach them how important it is to DEPEND on each other.   Scavenger hunt?  Patch for awards?  Security in your campsite needs consideration.  Despite the Scout Promise and Law,  it isa GOOD idea to have someone in your campsite  AWAKE   at all times...... 

Thirteenth  Scout Law?   Be careful of  food laying around, in tents.  Still might be critters around....

Have fun.  Keep it Scouty....  


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57 minutes ago, SSScout said:

"It depends".

Schedule several practice  camps  for your slid together Troop.  The Scouts probably won't know each other to begin with.  Work with your SM.  This is a NEW Troop at a NEW  Jamboree, since COVID etc.   Scout led.  EXPECT alot from your Scouts, they will not disappoint you. 

Your tents will be given you, your cot will be given you, you will still be living out of a duffle . I would think no real room for a trunk. .  

Walk everywhere.  Get your hiking shoes worked in.  Rain shoes, serious hiking boots....  Summit is just that, up and down, alot.    Rain gear.  Door mat for outside the tent.  Maybe a campchair or old beach chair or two.   Paper plates, duct tape, markers for signage.  Make sure what Camp Gate they will allow you to make and set up.  Some Troops brought spectacular scenic gates, some more modest, lash together.   There are NO TREES to cut down, bring your own lash ups.   Read the manuals about what they plan/allow for cooking/sanitation, etc.    cellphones?  Handhelds?   Read the guidelines ("aye, they be more like...")  Plugs will be at a premium, "Yeah, I'm up to 68 percent"..... unless things have changed alot....  

Do not allow your Scouts to sit around reading tiktok.      Make sure they have a daily connection with the events.  Teach them how important it is to DEPEND on each other.   Scavenger hunt?  Patch for awards?  Security in your campsite needs consideration.  Despite the Scout Promise and Law,  it isa GOOD idea to have someone in your campsite  AWAKE   at all times...... 

Thirteenth  Scout Law?   Be careful of  food laying around, in tents.  Still might be critters around....

Have fun.  Keep it Scouty....  


All good advice!

If you choose to participate in some activities, plan on waiting in line for some of the most popular ones (ala Disney).  Bring something to occupy your time while waiting (or make friends and chat!)

Get two portable batteries for your cell phone.  Fully charged before departure.  (Make sure you have a charging cord to connect portable battery to phone, and a spare cord, too!  Would be best if all your connections used the same type cord... make that investment.)

Take lots of pictures.

Camp security is no joke... A Scout is Trustworthy.  50,000 ARE NOT!  I have had items stolen at Jamboree.  

Make sure you know what the emergency plan is, and where to get to for lightning (or other) safety. 

Have a blast!


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  • 5 months later...

Jambo “Flood Bucket” service project:

"The Flood Bucket cleaning kits – consisting of 15 items ranging from rubber gloves and scrub brushes to scouring pads and towels packed tightly into a 5-gallon bucket – serve as essential “first aid” resources that provide flood victims with the practical and emotional support necessary to begin restoration of their homes and personal belongings.

Scouts will assemble at least 5000 bucket kits and include a personalized note to the flood victims. The completed kits, valued at $375,000, will be wrapped and transported to a warehouse and then distributed as needed to flooded areas throughout West Virginia."

More here:


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/14/2023 at 7:48 AM, RememberSchiff said:

Some questions:

     Will there be patrol competitions in scoutcraft?

     How much freedom do scouts have with their time while there?

Our contingent heads out Wednesday AM at the crack of dawn — I’m the ASM1 of the girl troop from our council.  I do not believe there will be patrol competitions in scoutcraft.  From reading on various scout boards, the amount of freedom scouts will have to operate “independent” of their unit may differ from contingent to contingent.  Our unit basically said the scouts can do their own thing (with a buddy at all times, of course), so I expect our unit will be spread over Summit.  In other posts, I’ve seen Scouts say that their unit was picking activities to do as an entire unit.

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My daughters are both on their way. They also left at the crack of dawn today (so even though I'm not going my day also began at 4am today... need more coffee). They are handling things much the same way as BAJ's jamboree troop. Other than a handful of designated times where there are pre-scheduled unit activities (such as the flood bucket service project mentioned above), they are free to do what they want during the day with buddies.

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On 7/14/2023 at 7:48 AM, RememberSchiff said:

Some questions:

     Will there be patrol competitions in scoutcraft?

     How much freedom do scouts have with their time while there?

No patrol competitions in Scoutcraft. No Scoutcraft area either. This isn't Summer Camp.

With the exception of four defined programs that units will be attending together at pre-set dates/times, the entire program is up to the Scout. They have the total freedom to do whatever they want, whenever they want. Program areas are open each day from 9:00 - 5:00.

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This is pretty much how WSJ operated at Summit in 2019 (albeit with 4x the attendance). There were team activities in some areas, but ad hoc patrols could self-form for those.

Scouts wanting to ride the big zip, for example, checked out of camp as early as 5am to get in line. Some units were more tight-knit — especially if they had time slots for performing on one of the stages. But generally, as long as scouts were with a buddy, they had free reign of the place.

The Korean Jamboree Management Team, on the other hand, is scheduling many activities by patrol. I last experienced a system like that in the 1981 AP Hill NSJ. We got a stack of Hollerith cards that represented activities at particular times and locations. We would rifle through the stack each day and swap for adventures that interested us. I arrived at a few (orienteering, the dive tank, and pioneering) as a singleton.

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Found this informative link:   https://www.natjamboree23.org/

Historical note 50 years ago: 1973 National Jamboree (two locations: Farragut State Park, Idaho and Moraine State Park, Pennsylvania ).

A total of 73,610 Scouts participated in this first and only dual Jamboree that featured “home troops” as opposed to the traditional council contingent jamboree troops.

“Firsts” that occurred at the two Jamborees were the introduction of a Merit Badge Midway, an Arts and Sciences Expo, and the inclusion of a host of new patrol and individual competitions, including athletic events and an orienteering test.

Update 08/03/2023:  Added link...which is now behind a paywall :eek:

August marks 50th anniversary of Scout jamboree held at Moraine State Park

"On Aug. 3, 1973, over 44,000 Boy Scouts attended the National Scout Jamboree at the Moraine State Park."


Edited by RememberSchiff
add link to 50th anniv. Jambo at Moraine
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