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National Annual Reports

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21 hours ago, RememberSchiff said:

Well said. Then are these raw membership numbers sufficient to determine if a demographic is under-served, disinterested, priced-out, ...?

No. National and regional polls of youth who are not in scouting and their families would begin to answer that. But, knowing the numbers might help BSA ask better questions.
Moreover, similar reports from BSA and other Title 36 organizations would give policy makers a sense of how their constituents could be served.

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On 5/7/2023 at 7:38 AM, qwazse said:

If your biggest brag over the last decade has been about opening more program to girls, yes enumerating by sex would be your national duty. This is a global concern and intrinsic to WOSM’s census( https://members.scout.org/membership-report-methodology)

If your elected representatives are claiming to address the needs of minorities and seeking programs that do that, you should report the information that you’ve collected on the matter.

There are reasonable constitutional concerns about reporting religion to elected officials. On the other hand, the changing landscape of support from faith-based nonprofits due to recent lifting of statues of limitations would be of immediate concern to legislators.

Financials should matter to elected officials, but congress does not seem to be all that bothered about dept. ;)

Other Scouting Organization Annual Reports:

New Zealand (about 11,000 young people)

24 page report has gender demographics, acknowledges major donors, readable financials, board members, no cost of scouting. Impressive. Oh and let's adopt scarf day here!

Note: New Zealand Dollar = 0.63241472 US Dollars


I will add more as I find them but I am limited to English.

Edited by RememberSchiff
add membership and currency exchange
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  • 3 weeks later...

United Kingdom (about 400,000 young people) – 29 topic-indexed web pages. Their annual report is a detailed narrative giving a fuller picture of challenges, successes, setbacks, reflection, and direction (2025 goals) and a better understanding of UK Scouting than BSA Annual Report.

Some takeaways we might add:

  • Instead of “scout-run” unit experience, they promote a wider “youth-shaped” scout experience with 200-500? Youth Commissioners who ‘Plan’, ‘Lead’ and ‘Represent’ but be aware their upper age limit for scouts is 25.

  • Board members are listed by name along with their % attendance and committee assignments - nice transparency. For example:

    1 = Finance Committee Member
    2 = Strategy and Delivery
    Committee Member
    3 = Nominations and Governance
    Committee Member
    4 = People and Culture
    Committee Member
    5 = Safeguarding
    Committee Member
    6 = Safety Committee Member

    Craig Dewar-Willox (100%)5

    Nicola Gamlen (75%) 1, 3

  • Like New Zealand, they specifically thanked partners and sponsors. Some interesting ones: Pokemon, Raspberry Pi, Manchester United, Warhammer..



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  • 11 months later...

5/7/2024:  2023 Annual Report released.

The Key 3 (President/CEO Roger Krone, National Chair Brad Tilden, National Commissioner Scott Sorrels) state

We hope you will join us in this important work. Our nation, our communities and our future leaders need the values, grit, and leadership skills that Scouting instills. Your support is critical as our youth continue Scouting America.

Includes membership numbers, no financial report.


P.S. Short on content, but might this also be submitted late as the Report to the Nation?

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2022 Report

Cubs - 580,194

Scouts - 415,564

Venturing and Sea Scouts - 15,400

Explorers - 30,870

TOTAL - 1,042,028

2023 Report

Cubs - 574,365 (-1.0%)

Scouts - 392,275 (-5.6%)

Venturing and Sea Scouts - 14,961 (-2.9%)

Explorers - 33,445 (8.3%)

TOTAL - 1,015,046 (-2.6%)

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Just 5 years ago there were more cub scouts than there are scouts in ALL BSA programs now. With those cub scout numbers there is no turnaround in sight. The program isn't selling--we're seeing decisions that reek of desperation. Abandoning the historic brand won't reverse those numbers. The BSA is progressing....... through the stages of organizational decline.

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9 hours ago, ToKindle96 said:

There will be a good case study applying the "how the mighty fall" stages to the BSA.



Stage 4: Grasping for Salvation

- Grasping for salvation suggests the organization has lost awareness of the soul of its own greatness. (check)

- Change for change sake through a series of “silver bullets”, such as leaps into new technologies, new markets or new businesses become the thread of searching for the “home run” that can bring the organization back into the black (check)

- The gap between the ideal and what is real gets larger as “hype precedes results”.  No longer wedded to the brutal facts, the focus shifts to imagineering the organization’s saving grace. Chronic inconsistency permeates each new “revolution”, “future state” or “dream” of what could be similar to a pied piper leading lemmings to their demise. (check)


Stage 5: Capitulation to Irrelevance or Death

- The demise of the organization is at hand and either the leadership prepares for a fire sale, while it hunts for a saving organization ... or unable to capitulate to the impending demise, leadership remains true to the same logic that put the holes in the ship and rides it into the deep blue abyss  (Watching for this... seeing signs now)


So, we are firmly in Stage 4, progressing on to Stage 5.

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And love this one from Stage 2, Undisciplined Pursuit of More

- Coinciding within this stage is the loss of key talent. “The right people” begin to leave because the organization has lost sight of its core. Mediocrity permeates performance as tenure supercedes actual performance or growth economies forgive incompetency. Either way, the organization regresses developmentally from people first to product or strategy first. The flow of cash and/or profits hide the inefficiencies so that cost growth is compensated by price increases instead of greater efficiencies through disciplined action and thought.  (check, check, and check!!)

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Stage 1 .... We are well past this now, but were there in the 80s and 90s....

Another characteristic of stage one decline is the loss of the adventurous, open-minded, searching orientation for continuous learning. Answers are believed to be found in the years of experience, which might be useful, yet often can be blinding in new situations. Typically, generational and positional gaps present themselves with one-up-man-ship dynamics by those with positional power or organizational tenure. The past filters the present so that a true future cannot be created without showing “due” and “respect” for those that lived the past. Clearly, an issue of pride.

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So..if there are folks who were at the Annual meeting, what else was put out as solutions to the decreasing membership numbers.  Did any in attendance stand up and scream "how can we fix this before we go out of business" or just death by powerpoint?


Name Change....personally don't see hundreds of thousands of youth flocking the council offices to sign up

Coed Troops...is the official position that this too will increase membership?  Seems like existing co-located units MIGHT merge into one but that isn't assured.    CO still have the say.

Slides on how many girls are in the program but was there any discussion on how to help the other 85% of the membership?

another biggie...change the name of Rifle ranges...huge!

Reducing costs?   Registration, reduce the number of Councils through forced mergers, Loss of property, right-size the organization to match the membership?


Just curious...most of this blog's chatter is on name and coed.





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