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  On 10/17/2019 at 8:07 PM, qwazse said:

A neighbor kid of mine collected handbooks and did just that. I'd see him and his "patrol" on some trails in our community's park.

@Sentinel947, your church's and mine ... someplace between here and Hogtown. The coffee will be strong and hot.


Not much between here and the Steel City. Maybe Athens. ðŸ¤£

As much as the news can be dire or frustrating regarding the BSA. I'm all in for at least 2020. If I'm out after that, it'll be because of life circumstances vs something that the BSA does or something that happens in the news. 

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Leave? No. I’m going to be right where I am, as CC of my daughter’s troop until she ages out, then working with my sons’ Cub pack as they get older. The program is solid at its core. I’ll take care of my local kids and they’ll have a great time. National can do whatever National does, and it doesn’t affect the day-to-day unit program a whole heck of a lot.

I do agree that Cubs has gotten far, far too long. If my boys join, they’ll be waiting until Tiger or more probably Wolf. Lions is pretty ridiculous. There are only so many times you can visit the police station and go pumpkin-picking and play fitness games over five years to complete what are basically the same achievements.

I understand that the pros did it to scoop kids up sooner and compete with toddler T-ball and preschool soccer - but sports are seeing youth burnout as well! Kids’ interests change and they get bored.

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I am the chartered organization representative for our units, vice-chair of the church board and a long time Scouter. 

As a sponsor, we have hosted Scouting continuously since 1911. We view it as an outreach ministry to the youth and families of our community. 

The following is our thinking at this time:

The Scout troop has adequate reserves and can probably handle increased costs between $50 to $75 per Scout and Scouter. We will  certainly have to look at our fund-raising capabilites in the future.  

Our Cub pack was totally re-organized this year. The good news is that we now have 50 active Cubs. The challenge is that many of these families are already under financial strain We have a LOT of children being raised by grandparents.  And single parents with as many as four Scout age children. The church gave the pack $1,000 for supplies, training and scholarships to help the pack reorganize because the pack essentially had no monies. Unfortunately,  even before the news of the national fee increase, we were already  very concerned about the ability of the pack to recharter and to help families participate in the program.  Nevertheless, we are determined to attempt to re-charter but realize that we may face an uphill battle. I wonder how many other units are in the same position?

Our plan includes meeting immediately with key leadership after we get information from the local council on anticipated fees. We are looking at a combination of scholarship funds, potential assistance from the council if any is available (which they are hopeful), fund-raising and approaching friends and potential donors for one time assistance. And implementing a plan for next year.

We will discuss this issue with our parent committee and the council on ministries next week to finalize our plan. With nly a month before registration and fees are due, we feel that we will probably have our backs against the wall if there is a significant increase.

From the perspective of five decades of Scouting experience, this is the greatest challenge in Scouting that I can remember since the 1970's when we lost half of our Boy Scout membership in the council at the same time that nationally our numbers plummeted. However, this time feels more serious in many ways. A perfect storm scenario seems to be emerging with the loss of the LDS and several other long term sponsors locally, a flood of lawsuits across the nation and an increasingly tarnished image.  I hope that the national council is successful in developing  a long term strategy in dealing with what feels clearly like a major crisis, is as transparent as possible with stake holders incuding families and Scouters and seeks input from us. However, my perception is that there is a feeling that options at this stage are very limited and we run a real risk of being forced into a survival mode as an organization.  I hope I am wrong.



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  On 10/21/2019 at 9:26 PM, gpurlee said:

Unfortunately,  even before the news of the national fee increase, we were already  very concerned about the ability of the pack to recharter and to help families participate in the program.  Nevertheless, we are determined to attempt to re-charter but realize that we may face an uphill battle. I wonder how many other units are in the same position?

With only a month before registration and fees are due, we feel that we will probably have our backs against the wall if there is a significant increase.


I am.

That's what frustrates me the most.  I have no idea what the increase will be. Had we known much earlier, we could have more time  to spread an increase out over time. Now, I have a month. And if it's too significant a bump, the money is not there to recharter. I got to think most packs don't budget for an increase like this.

If it'd not too bad, we will manage.

Edited by Cubmaster Pete
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And for us, a brand new troop & pack, this could really hurt. We don't have a lot of money to begin with. 

I keep thinking it will be alright and everything will  work out in the end. Maybe that is naive, I don't know. I love scouting. My youngest is only a Tiger and already plans to get her Eagle so I have a long way to go with the BSA and don't plan on leaving. 

I was quite surprised the other day when a Scouts BSA scout said to me that it really doesn't matter what rank he is because BSA is closing soon anyway. I was shocked. His dad is his SM. I wonder what conversations  they have had, if any.

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  On 10/22/2019 at 4:08 PM, ParkMan said:

@gpurlee & @Cubmaster Pete,

I have absolutely no idea what the increase will be.  Like everyone I hear it is significant.

Perhaps going with an estimate of $60 a year for now would be a good estimate.  National may come back with less.  If they come back with more, then you're maybe a little closer?



One SE told his council to be prepared for up to $100.

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  On 10/22/2019 at 4:38 PM, Eagle94-A1 said:

One SE told his council to be prepared for up to $100.


Considering tomorrow is the date we have been told we would hear by....every council is doing a good job keeping mum about it if they know yet. 

as to pack’s budgeting for this - it’s hard to budget for something like this when we were told NO New Increases. Then we get told as school starts, there’s an increase to insurance fees, and we might be raising the council fees now .... then the day after recruiting night ‘guess what?!  National is raising the rates!!’    It’s a moving target and makes you dizzy trying to follow it  

after the dust settles if our pack doesn’t have to refund all the parents the fees paid for this year (19-20) I will probably stick around and keep finding adult training like Baloo/owls for the pack leaders even going out of Council when need arises and planning kid friendly stuff for the remaining cubs to do


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  On 10/22/2019 at 5:10 PM, Momleader said:

Considering tomorrow is the date we have been told we would hear by....every council is doing a good job keeping mum about it if they know yet. 

as to pack’s budgeting for this - it’s hard to budget for something like this when we were told NO New Increases. Then we get told as school starts, there’s an increase to insurance fees, and we might be raising the council fees now .... then the day after recruiting night ‘guess what?!  National is raising the rates!!’    It’s a moving target and makes you dizzy trying to follow it  

after the dust settles if our pack doesn’t have to refund all the parents the fees paid for this year (19-20) I will probably stick around and keep finding adult training like Baloo/owls for the pack leaders even going out of Council when need arises and planning kid friendly stuff for the remaining cubs to do



Actually they are voting today I believe, announcement tomorrow.

We are a large well funded troop, but there is a huge difference between a $10 rate increase or a $70 rate increase.  We charter about 100 Scouts and leaders, looking at what could be a $7,000 shortfall, so options are limited

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Actually they are voting today I believe, announcement tomorrow
if the They includes scout execs I know ours will vote for more $$. He has to protect his well over $200k every year (yes it’s that high.  Saw & read the annual report). He actually makes more than a few superintendents of schools in the council area. 
no matter how large and well funded a unit is. The increase in fees will have a negative impact on the program that can be delivered at the local level. Something that seems to have been lost on the bombardiers of this latest adventure. 
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We have already advertised to our troop families that due to the timing of this increase we are going to have ask them to make up the difference between the old fee and new fee.   With the recent announcement that looks to be $27 or so. 

Our troop currently covers the registration fee and boy's life through a weekly dues system, collected at troop meetings.  Will probably have to double that amount come the first of the year............


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