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Webelos Camporee (Webelosree)


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One of our council camps held a Webelos Camporee (Webelosree) this past weekend. I thought it went well with about 180 scouts attending. This involved a full day of activities on Saturday, camping Saturday night, and a morning activity on Sunday before closing ceremony at 11:30am. Most of the activities were oriented toward completion of requirements or electives, but some were just for fun. I had a combined group of nine scouts from the Webelos and AOL dens, missing only two from the pack. This was a very efficient and effective way of completing adventures since the activity leaders all had more experience in the topic than I had and most came from scouting backgrounds (which I lack). I chose to only complete electives so that both the Webelos and AOL scouts could participate in the same activities. Three of the Nine kids did not camp out, but still attended the Saturday program. We completed Into the Wild, Into the Woods, Earth Rocks, and Build It. In the evening we also cooked our dinners in foil packets on charcoal and practiced starting fires with ferro rods to complete the Castaway elective we started the week before. If your council or district has an activity like this, I strongly encourage you to take advantage of it. The scouts got a lot out of it without me having to put too much into it. Maybe next year I will volunteer to run one of the activities to help pay it forward. By the way, I love the activities for Webelos and AOL Scouts. This has been a very fun year so far for me and them. 

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Tried to attend one of these when my own kid was a Webelos. It was in a different district in our council - those running it weren’t very welcoming when we asked if we could attend (we had never heard of one before). 

what kind of activities/achievements were worked on?

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  On 10/9/2019 at 11:29 PM, Momleader said:

Tried to attend one of these when my own kid was a Webelos. It was in a different district in our council - those running it weren’t very welcoming when we asked if we could attend (we had never heard of one before). 

what kind of activities/achievements were worked on?


I am sorry you had that experience, luckily I have never been in a similar situation. The den leaders or parents submitted a list of 5 activities from a list of about 15 requirements and electives. You were guaranteed 3 of the 5, but you didn't know which ones until you arrived. For us, "Earth Rocks" was a geology and rock experimentation activity. Into the Woods / Into the Wild was a combined activity that included a hike, discussion of plants and animals, and even discussion/demonstrations of what plants are edible. We also had a conservation project where the kids planted seeds in a field to promote butterfly habitats. "Build It" was a woodworking activity where the scouts build a catapult-like device to launch things into the air as well as a porcupine project that used nails as hair to let the kids practice using a hammer. Other packs had other requirements and electives. Groups also had either archery or BB-guns, bouldering, and gaga-ball. Overall good time. 

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