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Old Guys on Forum?


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Just mostly curious.  I have been on this Forum almost from its beginning, joining at the same time I tried to support Scouter (?), the magazine.  the profile says since 2007, so I guess that is right.

Anyway, I just simply wonder how many are still on here that go back to then?  There were some pretty interesting "discussions" early on.  Got to admit I miss a few of those voices, and I know some left for reasons of disagreement with Scouting period, some due to personal loss of interest, and a few due to illness or having passed.  One voice that always made me smile and often had very thoughtful comments was "Beaver".  Another was "Bob White".  Other than myself, I believe John, who seems to have the FB contact point, is still here.  A couple of the various "Eagle" screen names, and Desert Rat, until recently anyway.  

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@skeptic, excellent post.  I joined in June 2002.  Hard to believe it's been that long.

I agree, there were rousing debates back in the day.  Weeks and months long bare knuckle brawls.  Religion, politics, you name it.   It got heated at times.  Some members were put in the penalty box for a month or two.   Overall, very interesting dynamics as well as entertaining.  Some of those threads were not for the faint of heart.  But many, many more threads were great discussions about scouting. 

I too look at an old thread and see a dozen or so old timers' handles and wonder how they are doing. 

This year particularly, I'm looking at my level of involvement in scouting.  It may be time for me to move along, in a year or two.  Venture daughter is away in college.  I'm on a few committees and that's about it.

Edited by desertrat77
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2 hours ago, Eagledad said:

Skeptic, I remember when you were just a youngster. I joined in Nov 2002. 


But even then I had over thirty years in the program.  In 2002 I had been SM of my troop for 25 years and was 56 years old.  Not sure I was eligible to be called a youngster.  Have to find my official replacement, though the unit says I have to stay as long as I can speak and hobble.  They are my family really after so many years.  Being in touch on occasion with past members from 40 plus years.  My second Eagle in the troop now has a daughter that has graduated college.  And a number of others from 20 years or so back have teens and beginning college kids.  It now has become a challenge at times if I run into one in public and they recognize me, but I cannot quite place them.  As part of my historical poking I need to put my own down in a more organized matter, especially the part that relates to our troop.  It will be 100 in 2021, and I already have stories and so on from many to put in an archive.  So, I suppose I should do my own as well.  Got the time, just having bit of trouble focussing now.  Later.


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March, 2009.  A mere Eagle chick by forum standards.  I've greatly enjoyed advocating for the outdoors and nature, and mocking those who wussified our standards with 'one and done'.  The discussions seemed to have more meat on them back then.  The political arm wrasslin has disappeared.  I'll even admit to having my mind changed a few times, as long you don't quote me on that in the future...

I've become a lurker because: a) my nattering about some of the changes is not welcome, b) I'm no longer knee deep in the program since my boy aged out, c) my areas of expertise, woodsmanship and outdoor adventure, are seldom discussed, and d) procedural questions are already answered by other fine participants.  I'm not needed.

But damn!  I ,too, miss the enthusiastic virtual campfire of old.   I miss interacting with Beavah and Merlyn and Moosetracker.  Anybody wanna debate Donald Trump and the latest impeachment imbroglio?

Edited by JoeBob
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Been around since August 2008 as Eagle92. Some point in 2014, the website went wonky and I could not get back in and recreated the current account. This has been a great site, especially when the troop I was in was having issues. It is a great place to vent and get idea on how to improve the troop.


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Sept. 2009 - feeling very much like the new kid on the block all of a sudden.

I may have missed the good ol days - but I will say that I think the discussions here have really helped me grow as a Scouter.  My depth of thinking on many of the issues we discuss has really grown as a result.

@JoeBob - FWIW - we may not have always agreed on the topics of the day - but I'm glad we had the discussions.

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11 hours ago, JoeBob said:

I've become a lurker because: a) my nattering about some of the changes is not welcome, b) I'm no longer knee deep in the program since my boy aged out, c) my areas of expertise, woodsmanship and outdoor adventure, are seldom discussed, and d) procedural questions are already answered by other fine participants.  I'm not needed.

Well, I haven't been on this forum for very long, but I often find the most enlightening discussions are those that were posted 10 years ago (or even longer).  I sincerely appreciate that so many people over the years took the time to discuss topics and to share their wisdom.

I do wish there were FAR more topics around woodsmanship and outdoor adventure being discussed. Sadly, it seems that the people with the most wisdom about such matters are the ones who mistakenly think they aren't needed.  

Thanks, JoeBob, and everyone else who has shared their experience and views over the years.  I hope you'll stay and continue doing so for many more years to come!

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Class of '09 sounds about right. At the unit level I was getting a snot-load of cross-talk about how to advise my crew. I started asking council and area venturing volunteers, "Am I crazy, or am I right?" To which they'd answer "Probably crazy, but certainly right." Then, one leader put me on to these forums, which were extremely helpful not just for being a CA, but being an ASM.

The timing was fortuitous, because a new class of venturers was about to rotate into my crew ... and a large portion had not been scouts (boy- or girl-). Hashing things through here set the tone for when I was in the field. And, it gave me the freedom to call DE's on the carpet for council shenanigans like requiring tour permits for meetings at a coffee shop!

But, what I really like is the non-nonsense layout. Very little clutter ... lots of plain text. Current topics are front and center, but very old discussions are still searchable.

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I had to look at my profile, because I honestly couldn't remember.  I've been here since Dec. 29, 2003.  It's been fun and informative. 
The Issues and Politics Forum was quite a show back in the day.  I was just thinking, that maybe the reason it has quieted down is that all the hot political, social and religious topics get hashed out to the max on Facebook and Twitter.  It may be that a lot of us get so burnt-out on it on those platforms that we don't want to drag it over to this space. Just a theory.  To be honest, the frisky debates of the past here on Scouter were far more rational and polite than what we see on social media these days

This is still my go-to source for the latest things going on with the program.  Many times I learn about the latest "news" here before it gets out through our council's channels.


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Nov 22, 2002 here.  Yes, the early days were wild and wooly!  My greatest sorrow was when Old Grey Eagle (aka OGE) passed away suddenly.  I had a special connection when I found out the troop he served was sponsored by the Moravian church my cousin attends in Bethlehem, PA and is located a few blocks from my Grandparents' home she still occupies.  Small world.  He was always a voice of temperance, reason and wisdom.  I miss his wise counsel.

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