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Parking cars as fundraiser. over $25K (NE)

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Members of  (Grand Island,NE)  Scouts BSA Troop 114B and Troop 114G with Bosselmans CEO Charlie Bosselman. Bosselman Enterprises Corporation let these units plus Pack 107 use a portion of their company parking lot for parking during the (Nebraska) state fair. These units earned over $25,000 for their efforts. Thank you to Bosselman Enterprises Corporation for your support of Scouting.



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  On 9/9/2019 at 11:19 AM, Momleader said:

If the local council is like my council the’ll demand a cut - like 50-60%. 



An excellent opportunity to practice what we teach our teenagers. 

"Just say NO!".

If any council representative actually had the balls to tell me they thought we should give them 50% of our earnings, I'd probably spend the next 5 minutes laughing in his face.

Then after I'd finished, I'd offer the following: We'll give you 30% of our fundraising take in each and every year in which the council actually manages to process all of the troop, scouter and MBC paperwork and applications the first time they are submitted, AND can actually keep the MBC list updated to within 3 months.

Then we'd happily keep all our money with no misgivings as I'm fairly certain hell will freeze over before those things happen.

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Speaking about asking for a cut,  our troop has worked parking details at local fairs and has not asked or received a percentage of the parking fee. We didn't put out a donation bucket either :confused:.  Perhaps we should do one or the other or both at "service" events?

My $0.02,

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  On 9/9/2019 at 11:19 AM, Momleader said:

If the local council is like my council the’ll demand a cut - like 50-60%. 

Feeling cynical - just heard our council shut down a units fundraiser (see fundraising section) 


A few years ago the Pack I help with had an event that was really successful. The Monday after the event one of the DE's called me and told me I had to turn over all the money we made to the council.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sept 28-29: Wings Over Wine Country Air Show (CA)

Parking is available in designated parking lots near the Air Show for a donation of $10 per vehicle (donations benefit the Boy Scouts, who help with the parking).


P.S. And you also get to see and hear a Hawker Seafury fly. :) 

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There was a local Troop, worked for the County Fair. I do not know all of the financial arrangements, but for the week of the fair, they directed parking lot traffic, collected tickets, delivered ice,  watched the intersections (they had Fair radios) . Last year (this past summer) they were told they could not do this any more,  and so that was the last Scout sponsored activity at the fair.

Another situation, which I have mentioned here before, a local Troop (LDS, actually) made arrangements with a local Museum that holds a LARGE annual festival fund raising for the Museum. They directed cars in the Parking lot, and put out abucket with attached sign asking (!)  for donations in return for their directing...  When I mentioned this to the SM as perhaps against BSA policy about fundraising, he basically hemmed and hawed.  I mentioned it to the DE, who also hemmed and hawed.   When I mentioned this to the Museum, perhaps the Museum would pay the Troop directly for their efforts, thus they would "earn"  the funds rather than asking for "donations",  I was reminded this was a fund raiser.  On the other hand, they were paying the local Council a fee for use of the Mobile Climbing Wall that other Scouts were staffing for free (and SSL hours).  It gets complicated, don't it? 

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