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We Have A Job To Do Too. The BSA in WWI - Eagle Project

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The Museum of the American G.I. (College Station, TX)  is proud to present the Eagle Scout Project of Grant Hanson – “We Have a Job To Do Too: The Boy Scouts of America in the First World War”. On display throughout the summer of 2019 will be a uniform in the style worn by WWI scouts as well as some standard equipment carried by Scouts, an example of the literature they would’ve handed out, and one of the awards a scout would earn by doing his bit to help fight the Germans!


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I found a more detailed article which had a photo of scout Grant Hanson and his Eagle project. 

Hanson participates in historical reenactments with the 6th Cavalry Historical Association and with the Museum of the American GI. In addition to a love for history, he has a passion for scouting, and put a lot of preparation and planning into what would become his Eagle Scout project — the final step before becoming an Eagle Scout. Such a project requires scouts complete a major act of service while working in a leadership position. Last year, Hanson — who gets much of his love for the past from his maternal grandfather, who is a former Boy Scout and a Vietnam War veteran — had the idea to create a museum exhibit that made use of his own personal collection of historical artifacts purchased over time.

“I feel like World War I is under appreciated, and the Boy Scouts had a role to play in that war,” Hanson explained. “The Boy Scouts had only been around seven years [when the war started], and [their involvement] became the reason they are so popular, the reason membership soared into the millions. People realized how useful the Scouts were.”


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