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Same issue for any and all religions.  I stated in my initial post that I used Sunday for simplicity. 

I suggest that the burden/obligation rests most heavily on the individual. The larger the number with a shared obligation, then the more of an effort is made for incorporating the obligation into the program.  A smaller number, as others have stated, requires the individuals to make the arrangements.  

The reality is that the burden of meeting obligations rest on the individual.  Sometimes the leader can make accommodations without disrupting the rest of the participants, other times the individual must make his own arrangements...think dietary restrictions for an analogy.


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I would argue that the "incorporating the obligation into the program" ends at providing time within the schedule. This is also true for youth. "A scouts own" should be theirs, to do as they believe to be in accordance with their faith. The complaints previously mentioned regarding "a scouts own" are valid and as such demonstrate the (usually adult) defined service was NOT "a scouts own", but instead a group quasi-religious church service which caters to none in an attempt to cater to all. 

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At my woodbadge, there was an interfaith service / scouts own planned by the "chaplain aides" of each patrol, many of whom were actually chaplains. 

In addition, information was given for the local Christian church to attend Eucharist, at a time that made it possible to do before registration; there was a shabbat blessing during friday night's meal; there were juma prayers that everyone was invited to, with a slight time adjustment. 

I have been to unit events where the chartering organization was a specific church (say, Catholic or Lutheran) and a service of that denomination was planned. 

I find that a lot of people appreciate the religious diversity, and seeing the different traditions' prayers in practice, rather than just a one-size-fits-all opportunity. But there is room for both. 

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Ch Ch Ch Chaplaincy  and f f f f faith Thread ? 

I have seen special arrangements made.   Catholic folks over There....   LDS folks over There....

Sensitivity   is the watch word, as always.  Sabbath sensitive courses on occasion,  start Saturday evening, include Monday...  


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