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Scout BSA Uniform Survey (Girls)

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Shirts are hideous. Skirts are not practical in the field, so I don't know why they are event making them for a "FIELD uniform" (caps for emphasis) And what's up with the red? And what is up with the tabs on the p[ants?


Forgot to add, is it me, are does the pockets on the pants look like they should be on the backside and not the front.


Edited by Eagle94-A1
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I don't get the new direction on these shirts.  Are those some kind of big zippered pockets on the front? Who would actually use these?

Instead of adding the embellishments, the need to just do some tailoring on the current shirts and call it a day.

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Knowing the BSA, there will probably be a new iteration of the uniforms every three or four years. I suppose if we don't like what's "new," we can just wear the old stuff we got. Maybe the next one will be better. 

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  On 5/12/2018 at 10:54 AM, RememberSchiff said:

IMO, if there is "no gender" in Scouting, USA then the uniform - shirts and pants style should be the same for all.


When I talk with female scouters there are complaints that the shirts and pants don’t fit women’s bodies.  They are cut for men’s shapes.   One example I heard is on pants.  Girls have larger hips after puberty.  Breasts are also cause the tops to not fit in many cases.  Many women leaders simply don’t buy the pants or buy pants at 3rd party stores that kinda match.  Uniform shirts they just deal with.  Finally, some religions require that women not wear pants... or so I’m told.  That said I know Orthodox Jews don’t allow pants but they require full length skirts... so I’m not sure what religion would require skorts.

To me the styles should be identical, but I’m ok with different sizes and fits. 

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  On 5/12/2018 at 3:48 AM, ParkMan said:

I don't get the new direction on these shirts.  Are those some kind of big zippered pockets on the front? Who would actually use these?

Instead of adding the embellishments, the need to just do some tailoring on the current shirts and call it a day.


Apparently there are 4 options. All have the fleur-de-lis. One is simply the current shirt that is tailored for girls. The other three are above. Yes, large pockets with zippers are on the front (I added another pic that shows that in more detail).  Some are designed to be untucked.

The debate within the council and National Supply is regarding the point of the uniform.  Is it a dress uniform for more formal events or should it be functional for field use.  

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  On 5/12/2018 at 11:15 AM, Eagle1993 said:

The debate within the council and National Supply is regarding the point of the uniform.  Is it a dress uniform for more formal events or should it be functional for field use.  


BSA dress uniforms are these:  All programs but Sea Scouts


Sea Scout Dress Whites Image result for Sea Scout Dress White uniform


Sea Scout Dress Blues:Image result for Sea Scout Dress blue uniformRelated image



BSA field uniforms are these: Cub Scouts TigersBoy  Scouts Boy Scouts

Venturing Venturers


Old Fogeys ;)  Boy Scout Leaders There is a push for Sea Scouts to wear this one: Sea Scouts

but many ships still wear this one image.jpeg.8924083c58510dfebc8edf7c38aa5567.jpeg

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Why do I think National Supply is thinking this will be a bonanza of sales with all the options for the girls? We have sold skorts and skirts in the past, and they were not popular at all. I remember when we had a sales on them, and still no one was buying them. In my 3-4 years with Supply, I sold 4 pairs, and they went to the manager and assistant manager.

But if the girls can wear skirts, I will start wearing a kilt. Specifically this one: Image result for macleod of lewis


But I bet the council's commissioner corps will get a tad bit upset. For whatever reason, they adopted my clan's tartan as a local recognition for outstanding commissioner service. And they even got permission from the clan chief at the time to do it.

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I don’t get the skorts... I can’t imagine that will be more than a short fad with some of the early adopters, but I’m not an expert in fashion or clothing trends. 

The comment about the discussion of purpose of the uniform came from a review with an OA group.  I don’t know if that was from National or scouts/leaders. I think (speculation) the point is that some of the changes (extra large pockets on shirt) could help if used in the field but doesn’t look as good in more formal settings.

It sounds like they have both male and female uniforms out for feedback.  There are discussions on what to use to close pockets (zippers, Velcro or buttons).  One comment I did see was that the material felt better than the current uniform.  Overall the FB comments are pretty negative but I think it’s tough to tell without seeing in person  

Personally, I would vote to keep current uniform with females able to get the same just tailored for women.  I’m not a fan of B above... those button locations...


What is the deal with Urban Outfitters selling weird BSA uniforms?  These look like official uniforms that were modified.  Given your history at National supply I thought you might have some insight.




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Vertical zip shirt front pockets...are females really going to carry a topo map and a couple cliff bars in those particular pockets? 

The entire effort seems over-engineered and stylistically odd.

Definitely look forward to hearing what women have to say about it.

I'll ask my Venturing daughter what she thinks. 

My initial hunch:  girls are going to just buy a boy's shirt, a size or two larger, and go with that.



Edited by desertrat77
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  On 5/12/2018 at 2:44 PM, Eagle1993 said:


What is the deal with Urban Outfitters selling weird BSA uniforms?  These look like official uniforms that were modified.  Given your history at National supply I thought you might have some insight.





From the 2 pages, looks like someone went on a buying frenzy and are now selling used shirt at new costs. Surprised national has not went after them yet.  On a different note, explains why I am having a hard time getting old shirts.

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