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Would you wear unique council patches?


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  On 11/29/2017 at 1:46 AM, TAHAWK said:

Repros would not be "once official" but never official.


True. But if national and councils can use reproductions for various functions, why not those in the field?  I've been to Jambo and a NOAC where reproductions were being worn. Ditto at council events.

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  On 11/28/2017 at 6:19 AM, TAHAWK said:

'Cause you have to sew them on.


No choice now.  we have a new council name - for months.


However, new CSPs are arriving in the Scout Shop under 100 a week.   Great business plan.


So off to ScoutStuff, where CSPs are not listed by alphabetical - or any other discernible -  order.   :mad:   And you find after searching six at a time in random order that the old, obsolete CSP is for sale, as are [at a $.50 discount] the CSPs for the two councils that went away, but NOT the one with the new council name.   :confused:

You can search by Council name. Oddly enough partial name search works better than full name in many cases.

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  On 11/29/2017 at 2:21 AM, Eagle94-A1 said:

True. But if national and councils can use reproductions for various functions, why not those in the field?  I've been to Jambo and a NOAC where reproductions were being worn. Ditto at council events.

We, however, don;t have the authority to issue repros. 


Note that I did not say I thought this is important.  Again, I wish BSA had a uniform.  Since there is no uniform, I don't get excited about  poorly communicated "uniform" rules.

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  On 11/29/2017 at 3:47 AM, desertrat77 said:

I'd wear the old community strip.  But the only one I can find (for my burg) costs $170something dollars on the Big Auction Site.  Plus 2.97 s/h.



Tell me about it. I still have not told SWMBO how much her uniform actually cost, nor how long it took to collect the pieces (hint: as soon as oldest was a Tiger, I started collecting pieces and she became an ADL when youngest was a Wolf). Suffice to say it was a Christmas present, and the only one she got, that year. With the exception of the "NC" everything is period authentic. Do not know if she will keep it after youngest crosses over or not. But if not, it will be sold on the Big Auction Site or donated to a museum.


And you would think NC would be easy to find.

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I wear the patch my council put out for the BSA Centennial a few years ago; it's the same as our standard issue except with a gold trim and a snazzy "100 years" in the center. It's a nice reminder of the BSA's heritage, but the difference is also subtle enough not to be controversial. I do love seeing unique patches as big Scouting events though; I am always fascinated seeing how much variety and creativity is displayed in the designs some councils come up with.

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