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AOL Scout - No Camping!


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  • What concerns the parents about letting their son camp "alone"? And by alone, it clearly appears to mean without them, since he would be with other leaders and scouts. They may have valid reasons, but I would at least inquire. If it is just mom and dad's anxiety about letting go of their baby, well... he has to grow up sometime.
  • I don't think it is out of line for a troop to require YPT for any adult going on an overnight, but being a registered leader is a bit much. Although there are dozens of ways to register with BSA that don't require the "one hour a week" obligation. (my assumption is that they want the comfort of a BSA background check).
  • I completely agree that you should not just pass him off, that sets a bad precedent for everyone, not to mention it is just against the Oath and Law.
  • I am not as familiar with Cubs and AOL requirements, but if the requirement only requires an outing (and not an overnight) then drive him up first thing Saturday morning and leave Saturday evening, if that meets the requirement.
  • Finally, if the is trying to crossover to a troop and mom and dad won't/can't camp with him and will not let him camp without them, his boy scout career is likely to be boring and short anyway. He cannot advance without camping. So what is their plan of action going forward? If they don't have a plan, then unfortunately they are likely sinking this young mans BSA career.
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Thank you all for your continued responses - I truly appreciate the fact that I can jump on a forum and have my brother/sister scout leaders assist.


We spoke last night.  I had a third option after talking to the other AOL patrol in our pack.  They are taking a slower track, and plan to cross over in May, so I offered to let him ride out the rest of the year with them.  She decided that she was just going to take him out and "revisit" the idea of scouts when he turns 11.  It makes me a little sad since he's been with me from a Tiger (Cub), but I respect her decision.  Another side of this is he has not been active this year anyways and really has a lot of catching up to do - so it's not like he only has this one requirement then he's done.  Well, I've done what I could and I'm going to let him loose.  


To address some comments the YPT and registration is, as HelpfulTracks pointed out, required so we can have a background check.  This was discussed by the CO and founding SM based on past experience within another troop of having adults come to camp that were relatives (or friends in some cases) of the boys with no YPT.  We felt that YPT is good as long as it is enforced, but when not enforced it is just a video and certificate. Even when enforced we were getting strange characters showing up that may have taken the YPT but ...were shady.  Another comment was that he could come during the day, but this particular event requires the troop to come and go as a unit. So if the troop decides to camp, they arrive and camp as a unit.  Due to the logistics having someone roll up on Saturday and try to find you would be difficult.


Anyway - thanks again for the help, and just being there when I need to throw a thought out there!

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Also, remember that not all YPT problems are created by "shady" people.  I learned a long time ago not to judge a person or a book by its cover.  ... and I don't trust every background check that comes along.  Like Groucho Marx once said, "Why would I want to join an organization that would take me as a member."  I've passed more background checks that the average person because of all the youth work and volunteering I do.  In spite of that, the jury is still out on me.  :) 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 11/22/2017 at 5:38 PM, Stosh said:

Also, remember that not all YPT problems are created by "shady" people.  I learned a long time ago not to judge a person or a book by its cover.  ... and I don't trust every background check that comes along.  Like Groucho Marx once said, "Why would I want to join an organization that would take me as a member."  I've passed more background checks that the average person because of all the youth work and volunteering I do.  In spite of that, the jury is still out on me.  :) 


Background checks only catch the people who've been caught before.  I agree, it's not the cure for everything.  I do think that YPT, if practiced, does cure a lot.  I know personally, I am always aware of other adults. I have yet to see suspicious behavior in BSA events, but I'm on the lookout.  

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