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NOVA Award question...


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My son wants to take a break from standard merit badges (he has 92) and work on the NOVA modules. We reached out to our council but the person the gave us as a contact didn't know what the first steps should be.


Here's is our questions:


1. Do they have to be done in a particular order?

2. Under the description for "Shoot" we also see "Let it Grow". Is Let it Grow a subgroup of Shoot or an alternative to Shoot? Most everything we see on NOVA talks about (4) modules -  so we don't think Let It Grow is a 5th, right?




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@springnow, welcome to the forums! And congratulations to your son for all of his hard work.


According to https://www.scouting.org/stem/Council/Volunteer_Support.aspx, the counselor should Submit any questions regarding the Nova or Supernova awards to myscouting@scouting.org.


I'm just taking a crack at your questions based on the way the reqs are written and human nature when it comes to developing these things.


1. The way it is written, the scout may choose the order based on logical progression. So, in your scout's case, earning the MB was already done. So, he could present what he learned from that, as well as the results from reading and developing research questions. In other words, he would meet with his counselor regarding reqs1&2, then set a timetable for the remaining steps.


2. It looks like "Let it Grow" is a new module this year, according to http://www.usscouts.org/advance/nova/scout-nova-5.asp. Probably they are in negotiations with the web designer about how much to pay the graphic artist for a new icon. :confused: Thus your confusion. As I biologist at heart, I like how including agriculture makes the NOVA award STEAMy! :wub:


Have fun with the program! Let us know what your son does with it, and his likes and dislikes about it when he's done.

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@qwazse Thank You!


Our son was able to contact and make a meeting time with a Shoot and Start Your Engine councilor. (I love the fact that scouts make their own councilor contact calls & communications.)


As person with a microbiology and dietetics background, I also love idea of the Let It Grow module. Our son had a pretty sizable set back this week and wants to try a new direction to re-motivate himself - hence exploring NOVA. He is nearing the end of his Eagle project and the last component was inside our local TechShop. Sadly, all of the TechShops in the US closed down immediately and permanently on Tuesday. Everyone must go through the trustees and submit oodles of paperwork to get anything back. We are hoping this is a lesson on how to deal constructively with 'bumps in the road' that eventually has a happy ending.


Have a great weekend!

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