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When does your PLC meet?


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I am wondering when and how often your PLC meets.


Our troop's meets once a month an hour before the troop meeting starts. I am thinking of suggesting to the scouts to meet every week for 15 minutes before the meeting. I think that this would give them a better opportunity to tighten up plans for the next meeting and discuss thorns and roses of the previous meeting.


I think after the meeting would be best but usually people are trying to get home to do homework or dinner, or there are parents lingering waiting to talk to the SM, CC, etc. and their scouts are socializing. 

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Sadly, my PLC only meets twice a year, and one of those is the annual planning conference. Current SPL tried to have them 1 per month, but encountered some challenges They did meet twice in his 6 months.


Part of the issue is the Scouts. They are use to a smaller 1- 2 patrol troop. Plus they are use to adults intervening.  part of it is the adults. The ones that want to attend don't have the time.

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  On 11/10/2017 at 4:10 PM, krikkitbot said:

How many patrols/scouts does your troop have?


Currently 1  :)


The boys initiated an SPL/PLC when the troop grew to 4 patrols.  The PL's at that time would get together and have a "meeting" during free time on outings.  They never set a definite time.  Gathered as needed seem to be the consensus of the PL's.

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I've been SPL for 2 terms now, halfway through my 2nd term. There wasn't a PLC for around 2 years until I became SPL on my 2nd term. My 1st term was a adult-led troop, but I managed to change it and make it boy-led instead. Still a work in progress, but better then what it was.


We have a meeting monthly (beside July), first Wednesday of each month half a hour before meeting time. We're lucky if we get the entire PLC (we only have 2 PLs, both maybe showed up twice). We then have one in August for the yearly planning meeting.

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I have no idea when or where the PLC meet. They can meet at any time or location that is convenient to their schedules. It makes no difference to me.


The SPL schedules meetings at the church with the SM and committee as necessary to report on the consensus of the PLC. 

Edited by David CO
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Once a month (normally a Saturday or Sunday afternoon) for about a hour to plan the Troop meetings for the upcoming month.  SPL runs this.  I get ~5min at the end for basic leadership thoughts.


After every Troop meeting (<5min), to review/discuss any issues from current Troop meeting and to make sure they're ready for the next meeting (supplies, who's doing what).  SPL runs this.  I normally say nothing.  

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  On 11/10/2017 at 6:27 PM, KenDavis500 said:

Once a month (normally a Saturday or Sunday afternoon) for about a hour to plan the Troop meetings for the upcoming month.  SPL runs this.  I get ~5min at the end for basic leadership thoughts.


After every Troop meeting (<5min), to review/discuss any issues from current Troop meeting and to make sure they're ready for the next meeting (supplies, who's doing what).  SPL runs this.  I normally say nothing.  

I'm shocked you and other troops are able to convene a PLC on a weekend. I don't know of any troop near me that can get members to come for a hour on a non-activity weekend. 


Just throwing a question out there. Why not meet a hour before the meeting?

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