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Recruitment Night Woes

Cubmaster Pete

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  On 9/20/2017 at 5:17 PM, Tampa Turtle said:

"BSA says be prepared.  It doesn't say anything about be efficient."  :) We are boarding up and tying things down last weekend (in between wondering if we were gonna die) and Scout Sun #2 whips out a Bow Line when we needed one and it all seemed worthwhile!

That Scout Sun #2 must be one bright kid! :cool:

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  On 9/20/2017 at 1:09 PM, thrifty said:

LOL. Such a great line.  Thanks.  I've added it to my binder of info next to "BSA says be prepared.  It doesn't say anything about be efficient."

That is a good one too. I modified an oft stated maxim in the backpacking community. Sleeping bags can be warm, cheap and light but you can only choose two.

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I am still new to this so...  Our pack had put up signs around the school advertising the recruitment night about a week prior.  One day at school they pulled ALL the boys out of class to go hear the talk.  That afternoon my boy climbed in the truck saying he could go shoot BB guns AND bow and arrow AND camp and fish.  He was very animated and excited.  :)  The meeting was in the cafeteria and I think there were 4 or 5 cafeteria tables with parents.  There was a Boy Scout there to present the colors, we said the Pledge, Scout Oath, and Scout Law before anything else.  Boys went to the gym to play games and first thing that was talked about was it going to be $125 instead of the $12 on the flyer. Upon completion of the meeting there were 4 people in the back set up to take applications and money.  Each line had a wait because it sure looked like most were signing up.  Seems like the CM said there were 12 or 13 Tigers that signed up.  On Oct 7 we went to a half day Tiger Day and 7 Tigers showed up for that event.

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