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Eagle Project / Incomplete MB


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Ask the Counselor for official documentation to back up his/her statement.  The project could begin as soon as he gets approval after becoming a Life Scout.  I have Scouts in my troop right now that have their Eagle project completed but still have merit badges to complete.

Same here. Both of my sons had completed their Eagle project months before completing all the MBs.  

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Our former SM used to tell Scouts they should not begin the project "process" until they were 3 or 4 MB's away.  I was never clear on whether this was "friendly advice" or a "rule." If it was advice, one could debate whether it was good advice.  If it was a "rule", it was one he had no authority to make, and that is even more obviously the case here.


Wow, the SMs in our troop have said the opposite--start on your Eagle project ASAP after getting Life. Why? Well, the project is the biggest visible hurdle in the Eagle rank.  Also, after the project, a lot of Life Scouts see the light at the end of the tunnel.  My oldest son didn't much like most non-active MBs (aka the Citizenship, Pers. Management, etc.), but after finishing his Eagle project he started working on them. 

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Jason, the official statement is the BSHB. There are no requirements regarding order so you won't find them.


In my troop the MBs are usually the last thing wrapped up. I suspect this is because they are neither fun nor challenging and it's just more paperwork to finish them off.

We have a mix.  We have some Scouts who put off the project until they get the MBs done. Most of them are doing this because of procrastination. Most of the Scouts spend a few months at Life, maybe earning one or two MBS, then do the Eagle project, then complete the MBS.  

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