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AOL Crossovers come back to camp with the Pack


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When I was a cub, I remember the BnG as a big dinner with the entire pack. We only did whole pack activities about 3 times a year, everything else was done as a den. We didn't "cross over", not sure when that term started, or where. We spent the spring time going on different camping trips with different troops. We joined the troop of our choice in the fall. This gave us a entire year of hiking and camping as Boy Scouts with our patrol and troop before our first Boy Scout Summer camp.


In my opinion, we keep pushing things down to younger and younger boys. If I had the power I would significantly decrease the multiple requirement options for joining Boy Scouts. Specifically eliminate the "bonus" for arrow of light.  It would be 11 years old or completed the fifth grade; that's it. I would also go back to earning webelos badge as a pre-requisite for arrow of light. I think the way things are done now makes the transition more difficult, and is a detriment to the program. Unfortunately it seems HQ is making decisions based on membership numbers. The problem is these decisions impact the program which decreases quality. It seems the business mindset in the US has been to decrease quality in the hopes of increasing quantity...ie the walmart model. I find this sad for BSA and for a majority of US companies which use market share as the most important metric. /rant

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  On 7/5/2017 at 4:20 PM, DuctTape said:

Unfortunately it seems HQ is making decisions based on membership numbers. The problem is these decisions impact the program which decreases quality. It seems the business mindset in the US has been to decrease quality in the hopes of increasing quantity...ie the walmart model. I find this sad for BSA and for a majority of US companies which use market share as the most important metric. /rant


I think this is right. 


Troops in our area have been used to crossovers in December-February. Their entire first year Scout program is built upon that approach. Last year's requirements changes in both CS and Boy Scouts threw them for a loop. They now have to totally revamp their first year program. Several units are still trying to hold on to their old method which simply isn't working.


HQ clearly did not think through the downstream impact program changes related to rank and requirements would have on Packs and Troops.

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