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A Son to be Proud Of

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Well here goes with another personal note. Our oldest son has signed on with a major contractor to go work in Iraq. He is not in the military and he was not ordered to do this. He is doing it because he wants to make a difference for his country and the world at large. This has all happened very fast. He signed his employment contract on Wednesday, April 7, and expects to be enroute to Baghdad on April 20.


Needless to say, we, as parents are awash in a variety of emotions. We know that he is very self reliant adn capable, and can succeed at this. He never made eagle, but he racked up other accomplishments. I like to think that his scouting experience has helped there somewhere, certainaly in his old fashioned patriotism. Those of you who remember our military in your prayers should also include the civilians who are part of this historic event.



Thank you for letting me impose on you.

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In an age when most choices made by young people are based on "what's in it for me?", you have every right to be proud.


I think I can imagine your mixed emotions. If the prayers and good wishes of anyone on these forums can help guide him to complete his tasks and return safely, please know that I am doing what I can.



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There are many ways that a child can make their parents proud. Your son has certainly chosen one. Congratulations and thanks to you both.


You mention that he never earned the Eagle. So what? It certainly appears that he understands and is displaying Scout Spirit.


My prayers and best wishes are with you.

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  • 1 year later...

I thought that I would update this for the other posters. Our son became part of the embassy staff in Baghdad in March of this year - still working on improving the private sector economy there. He is home for Christmas as I speak. He will return to Baghdad later in January and plans to stay with the embassy through May. He also plans to write a book about his experiences.

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Thanks for the update, Eisely. Please thank your son for his service to our country. As a DoD civilian, I know too well that civilians, both civil service and contractors, work side by side in harm's way with our military comrades, and often the only difference is the clothes we wear. I don't begrudge them their medals and other recognition, but there are many more people serving than what is seen on the 6 o'clock news. Their families' fear and anxiety is not any less.

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