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Transgender policy change


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thats well random. it seems a little intrusive of the BSA to dictate who you can and can't share your tent with, as its not really a child protection issue as even if you got up to something it'd be away from the kids. 

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thats well random. it seems a little intrusive of the BSA to dictate who you can and can't share your tent with, as its not really a child protection issue as even if you got up to something it'd be away from the kids. 


Actually, no it wouldn't be away from the kids. 


First off, the BSA frowns upon any displays of affection, whether from Scouts, Venturing or Scouters. Second, in many camps -- summer camps or monthly camp outs -- adults camp fairly close to the Scouts. Many summer camps have tents set up regiment-style, all lined up and near each other. Quite often the adult area is quite close to the Scout area.


I have no issues with the BSA dictating only married couples tenting together, but frankly I'd rather just have them be equal about it.

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How would the policy have to read to make things "equal", in your opinion?


Well, it currently reads: "No adult may share a tent with a person of the opposite sex unless he or she is that adult’s spouse."


How about: "No adult may share a tent with a person they are sexually/emotionally involved with unless they are that adult’s spouse."


Of course, that would mean anyone married more than 10 years can't tent with their spouse.  :D

Edited by Col. Flagg
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Well, it currently reads: "No adult may share a tent with a person of the opposite sex unless he or she is that adult’s spouse."


How about: "No adult may share a tent with a person they are sexually/emotionally involved with unless they are that adult’s spouse."


Of course, that would mean anyone married more than 10 years can't tent with their spouse.  :D


Or you might have to share a tent with a spouse you are separated from but not yet divorced :D

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Well, it currently reads: "No adult may share a tent with a person of the opposite sex unless he or she is that adult’s spouse."


How about: "No adult may share a tent with a person they are sexually/emotionally involved with unless they are that adult’s spouse."


Of course, that would mean anyone married more than 10 years can't tent with their spouse.  :D


Maybe you should suggest that to national, and let us know what you hear back.

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Maybe you should suggest that to national, and let us know what you hear back.


Riiiight. I am still waiting for the official word from my council on tour plans. 


Nope, I will continue tenting with Maj. Hollohan and focusing on my own unit, thanks.

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 How about: "No adult may share a tent with a person they are sexually/emotionally involved with unless they are that adult’s spouse."


Of course, that would mean anyone married more than 10 years can't tent with their spouse.  :D


Bitterness and regret are emotions no?

[just saying, I'm still happy in my marriage, just to be *absolutely clear*]


Nope, I will continue tenting with Maj. Hollohan and focusing on my own unit, thanks.


Do you still call her "hot lips"? Or is it more "hot flush" these days?


In the debauched and degenerate UK scouting, adults can share tents with whomever they like. It's caused the odd divorce, as well as, *ahem* cemented a few relationships, I'm sure.


I shared a bunk room with a female leader and a heterosexual couple once. Worst bit was the bloke getting up for a night time wee and his girlfriend waking us all up with directions for the door. Apparently he had confused a wardrobe for a toilet a month previously.

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would be a lot easier to just expect adults to set an example by not engaging in sexual conduct on scout trips. Where one sleeps does not change this. I have shared tents with straight men, straight women, gay men, gay women, most I had no idea of their orientation since it did not matter, we were sleeping, not engaging in sexual activity. Thus it would be better to make the rule only prohibiting adults to share tents with scouts. The only exception is a parent/child, though this should be discouraged to promote the scout's independence.

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thats well random. it seems a little intrusive of the BSA to dictate who you can and can't share your tent with, as its not really a child protection issue as even if you got up to something it'd be away from the kids. 

Is it "intrusive" to have a rule against an adult having a cold beer on a hot day?  What if it's really hot?


His favorite chef's knife?  (Against the rules at Camp Frontier - no fixed-blade knives allowed on the property.  Axes fine.)


About any rule is "intrusive" to some extent or another.  It's all balancing, and people disagree.  Only some WILL NOT go along with rules they don't personally approve.

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In the UK your also allowed to have a beer on camp, some of the bigger camps even have bars. The only rule is that you can't drink in front of the kids, and you don't get plastered and there are some leaders that don't. There is nothing nice than a nice beer or glass of wine by the fire once all the kids are all tucked up in bed, and you can relax and chat with the other leaders.

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How is this even a discussion? In something that is supposed to be for the kids I find it very disappointing that adults even have to talk on whether they need to keep it in their pants during a campout spouse, significant other or not. This just seems like a given. Besides after a day in the woods covered in dirt and smelling like a campfire who would want to touch each other anyway.

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