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Page 333 of the Venturing Leader Manual, under the heading Membership Requirements

"Venturers registered in a crew or ship before their 21st birthday may continue as members after their 21st birthday until the crew or ship recharters or until they reach their 22nd birthday."


So in most cases the crew or ship member can stay in until, or close, to their 22nd birthday.




(This message has been edited by Bob White)

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Well shut my mouth. So a boy is kicked out of Boy Scouts on his 18th birtday but is allowed to remain in Venturing for nearly a year after he "ages out." I wonder why that is. Can he still earn advancement?


In any case, it sounds like another case of inconsistancy between programs by BSA.

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I can't say much for our district or council but I can say that our Pack has seen a real decline in the last three years. Mostly in part because it's a small community and has some really strong sports programs. Sports pulls more kids away from scouting in our community than anything thing else. We have moved meeting nights and times around to try and accomodate and help increase our numbers but it just hasn't worked. We even tried some really creative ways of doing round up and put some real zingers into our program to jazz it up in hopes of drawing some more boys back in. But it's just not working. Two years ago we had a spring round up of Tiger Cubs only and drew in the largest single group ever, 26 new Tigers! by spring of the following year only about half of those were still with the pack and now two years later, there are only 5 left. All of the rest of them dropped because scouts interfered with their baseball, or basketball or soccer or on and on and on..... Slowly over the last couple of years our round up numbers have been dropping. Last year we only got 8 new Tigers to sign up and of those we only have 4 left here at the end of the season because the other 4 got so heavily involved in sports they dropped. It is so disparing for the Pack. And as you know when you don't get new boys in you don't get new leaders in. So the ones we have are really getting burned out. Which maybe a queston for a new thread to post in the near future!

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Perhaps you should follow your advice to BW about getting that training. ;) All I can say is that they are two different programs with two different set or rules. Why do you think they should be the same? Do baseball and football have the same set of rules?

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SR540 Beaver....depends on who you talk to :p. I took Venturing Fast Start and Venturing "BLT" (when they called it that) and I learned a lot about the program from that. This was after being a Venturer for 2 years, it gave me a whole new look on the program. If the exit age was 22, then I would have had my Gold and Silver awards, but I ran out of time at 21.

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