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Unit Number Vehicle Stickers?


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Strange request... 


New TCDL with my Tiger. Looking at other ideas for parent involvement with the pack, we already issue out the giant Proud of my Cub Scout bumper sticker at the beginning of the year but was investigating something a bit more discrete that would like unit number stickers in vinyl to tie closer in to the pack identity. Looking over ScoutStuff, eBay and Amazon, I'm seeing nothing that looks like the white on red or green on tan unit numbers. Is this something BSA has their thumb over on copyright grounds or just not something anyone has come up with?


Something like this, but in a sticker format:




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Welcome! (To you and your strange request.)

And, thanks in advance for all you'll do for the boys.


I have not seen anything of the sort. I have seen decals (for scrapbooking, etc  ...). But not for windows/windshield.


I don't think it's proprietary, but it may be something that folks haven't demanded. Scouts change units just enough to make marking up a car a questionable endeavor.


Have you thought about crafting something with cloth numbers that might hang from a review mirror, or sit on a dashboard?

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I also would not think it proprietary.  The stuff Ive done that required approval from the BSA licensing folks has required approval because it used one of their trademarked logos.


Any local sign shop should be able to make something like that for you out of vinyl.

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Oh, I like the idea.   Just a Shoulder number sticker. About 4 by 6 inches,  just your unit number , on a sticker, in the proper colors.  Some folks would recognize it and smile. Others might ask about it and the conversation would ensue.


I have always thought about creating a Bumper Sticker to sell for FoS.

  It would have the BSA fleur des lis  and read:   "WILL WORK FOR COLORFUL SCRAPS OF CLOTH".   I haven't got my act together for it yet.  No one in the BSA has taken me up on it officially either. 


Second Idea:   You know that ubiquitous  yellow  "CAUTION" tape   we buy by the mile to string up around Cub Scout Archery Ranges and "Rocket Into Scouting" launch sites  and Axe Yards?    Well, howzabout    BSA contact the manufacturer and ask to have custom tape produced. Wouldn't cost any more, BSA could sell it for the same amount and MAKE MONEY .  Instead of reading "CAUTION"   it would read  "BSA ADVENTURE ZONE"   . Folks would buy it for parades, room decoration,  camp promotions,  even for roping off Archery Ranges....


Third idea:   Ummmmm, I forgot.   I'll get back to you later...  

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  On 10/10/2016 at 5:03 PM, SSScout said:


I have always thought about creating a Bumper Sticker to sell for FoS.

  It would have the BSA fleur des lis  and read:   "WILL WORK FOR COLORFUL SCRAPS OF CLOTH".   I haven't got my act together for it yet.  No one in the BSA has taken me up on it officially either. 



Seems like something you could get one of the licensed vendors to make - Class B or Advantage Emblems both do that kind of stuff.  I have a contact at Advantage that I could put you in touch with if wanted to pursue it.

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Wow thanks for all the replies everyone! I'll have to check the settings on the forum to see if I can get emails when there is a reply, most of the other boards I'm on were set up that way by default and I must have taken it for granted.


I like the idea of something on the interior, too. 


jjlash - that would be great if you could point me in the right direction with Advantage.


SSScout - I love it! Or even use that for the back of a Class B shirt...


qwazse - There's only a handful of units here and not a lot of bouncing around - even having one as an alumni unit would be great.


Thanks everyone!

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